Ben lives in Cambridgeshire in the East of England, where the BBC's James Blatch went to meet him. 他现居英国东部的剑桥郡,BBC的詹姆斯布拉奇前去拜访了他。
Luckily, my friend Stanford Blatch had a client in the hottest show in town. 幸运的是,我的朋友斯坦福有个客户参加了城里最热门的一场秀。
Stanford Blatch was one of my closest friends. 史丹佛是我的一位好友。
That's assuming Blatch is still there. 前提是布莱奇在那狱中。
There was a marina with the country club, and for a while in1947 there had been a part-time grease-and-gas jockey working there who matched Tommy's description of Elwood Blatch. 乡村俱乐部有个停靠小艇的码头,一九四七年有一阵子,那儿有个兼差的员工还蛮符合汤米对布拉契的描述。
Stanford Blatch was a close friend. 史丹佛巴勒奇是我的密友。
Blatch told Tommy the man who got sent up was a hotshot lawyer, and Andy was a banker, but those are two professions that people who aren't very educated could easily get mixed up. 布拉契告诉汤米,被关起来的是个名律师,而安迪却是个银行家,只不过受教育不多的人原本就很容易把这两种职业混为一谈。
And don't forget that twelve years had gone by between the time Blatch was reading the clippings about the trial and the time he told the tale to Tommy Williams. 何况别忘了,布拉契告诉汤米这件事时,距离报上刊出审判消息已经十二年了。