Group companies have some large enterprises processing, and services such as: silk Insurance Group of Shulei, Bolan, Jieting. 公司曾为一些大型集团企业加工、服务如:丝宝集团的舒蕾、柏兰、洁婷。
In most people's minds, Bolan is more closely associated with explosions and killings than children's swings and flowerbeds. 在大多数人的心目中,想到柏兰就想到爆炸和屠杀,而不是儿童的秋千与花圃。
Bolan is also one of the richest poppy-growing areas in Helmand province. 此外,柏兰也是赫尔曼德省最富有的罂粟种植区之一。
Bo number of software research and development institutions from Shenzhen, Kunming, Shenzhen market and the Department of Bolan De Technology Co., Ltd., and other institutions. 数博软件机构由深圳研发部,深圳市场部和昆明数博兰德科技有限公司等机构组成。