When I arrived at Acorn, it was really the first time I could see the direct connection between the work of engineers and the creation of products and business, Mr Boland says. 博兰说:加入Acorn时,确实让我首次看到了工程师的工作与产品和业务开发之间的直接关系。
Mr Boland describes this spell working for Bell Resources as a lot of fun. 博兰形容,在BellResources工作的那段时间充满乐趣。
Despite competing with leather-soled shoes with heels, Boland won the competition and became an Olympic champion. 尽管是穿着皮革鞋参加比赛,博兰仍赢得了比赛并成为奥运会冠军。
To deconstruct the hegemonic dual colonial map, Boland defines a postcolonial Irish identity as a fragmented, ambiguous, and even contradictory one. 为了解构此双重的殖民霸权版图,鲍伦将后殖民爱尔兰身份在〈殖民地〉中定义为破碎的、模糊的,甚至矛盾冲突的身份地位。
It takes a little extra work to get in touch with Andrea Boland. 与安德烈亚·博兰德联系需要一些额外的工作。
What makes Jena special, says Professor Wilhelm Boland of the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology, is its symbiosis of cutting-edge research and high-end manufacturing. 德国马克斯-普朗克化学生态学研究所(MaxPlanckInstituteforChemicalEcology)的威廉博兰(WilhelmBoland)教授表示,使耶拿与众不同的是其相辅相成的尖端研究与高端制造水平。
However, the real test for Icera is still to come: the company has yet to make a profit from sales described by Mr Boland as being "a few tens of million dollars a year". 然而,Icera还需接受真正的考验:该公司尚未从博兰所说的“每年几千万美元”的销售额中实现盈利。
Boland married a writer in1969 and has two children. 伯兰德1969年与一位作家结婚,生有两个孩子。
Chapter four, the concluding part, summarizes the thesis and draws the conclusion. For Boland, identity is never a fixed item but a process of searching. 第四章,结论部分,总结全文并得出结论:对于博兰来说,身份永远不是一个固定的条目,而是一种不断寻求的过程。
Chapter three summarizes the devices Boland employs in her poetry to avoid the solidification of images and to create a fluid syntax. 并且,第三章归纳出博兰在其诗歌中为避免意象的僵化和创造出一种流动的句法所使用的策略。