For almost 11 months, the Bosnian army chalked up one victory after another 在将近11个月时间里,波斯尼亚军队节节获胜。
These include Eritrean refugees in eastern Sudan, Burundian refugees in Tanzania, Croatian and Bosnian refugees in Serbia, Rohinga refugees in Bangladesh and Afghan refugees in Iran and Pakistan. 这些难民问题包括在苏丹东部的厄立特里亚难民、在坦桑尼亚的布隆迪难民、在塞尔维亚的克罗地亚和波斯尼亚难民、在孟加拉国的罗亨迦难民,以及在伊朗和巴基斯坦的阿富汗难民。
Still, she and other family members of victims welcomed the arrest, while some Bosnian Serbs expressed anger. 尽管如此,她和其他受害者家人对这次逮捕表示欢迎,而一些波斯尼亚塞族则对此表示愤怒。
By contrast, most people of European origin are so genetically mixed that it's impossible to tell German from Frenchman, Bosnian from serb. 与此相反,欧洲根系的大多数人在遗传上是混合的,要想把德国人与法国人分开,把波斯尼亚人与塞尔维亚人分开,是根本不可能的。
IN2002 a bitter and tragicomic story of the Bosnian war won an Oscar for best foreign film. 在2002年,一个有关波斯尼亚战争的辛酸且悲喜交集的故事赢得了奥斯卡最佳外语片奖项。
The Bosnian Serb general gives the thumbs-up and waves as the Dutch drive off. 这位波黑塞族军队上将竖起大拇指,向正驱车离开的荷兰士兵挥手告别。
In2008 the incoming government, led by the party of Serbia's president, Boris Tadic, arrested Radovan Karadzic, the wartime president of the Bosnian Serbs. 在2008年由塞尔维亚党领导的政府下,塔迪奇逮捕了战时波西尼亚塞族的主席拉多万卡拉季奇。
In the week prior to the Rory Peck Awards, nominee Mike Kirsch was attacked by the Bosnian Serbs. 被提名为获奖候选人的迈克·基尔希在拿到罗里·佩克奖金之前的那一周里受到波黑塞族人的袭击。
He stands accused of involvement in the deaths of thousands of civilians during the Bosnian war of the1990s. 他开始控诉1990年波斯尼亚战争中千余人死亡的罪行。
Prosecutors at the International Criminal Tribunal in The Hague say they have received the wartime diaries of the Bosnian Serb General Ratko Mladic, one of only two indicted men still on the run. 海牙国际刑事法庭检控官表示,他们获得了波斯尼亚塞尔维亚将军拉特科·姆拉迪奇(RatkoMladic)的战争日记。他是通缉犯中仍在潜逃的两人中的一个。
Mladic was a Bosnian Serb general during the Balkan wars of the1990s, and the highest-ranking Yugoslav war crimes suspect still at large. 姆拉迪奇是90年代的巴尔干战争中的波斯尼亚塞族将军,也是仍然在逃的南斯拉夫战争罪行的最高嫌疑人。
The court ruled the Dutch UN troops should not have handed the three men over to the Bosnian Serb forces who killed them. 法院裁定,联合国荷兰部队不应该将这三名男子移交给将他们杀害的波黑塞族军队。
The Bosnian village was later besieged by Serb troops. 波斯尼亚村后来被塞尔维亚军队包围。
"Today, I can tell you that feel kind of good," said Zlatko Lagumdzija, a former Bosnian prime minister wounded during the siege. “今天,我可以告诉你我感觉太好了。”曾经在包围中受伤的前波斯尼亚总理扎脱拉古则加说道。
Mladic was the leader of Bosnian Serb forces who allegedly attacked the city of Srebrenica and killed thousands of Muslims. 姆拉迪奇是波斯尼亚塞族总司令,他下令攻击斯雷布雷尼察市,杀害近万名穆斯林人。
Serb and Croat women were also raped, but most of the victims were Bosnian Muslims. 也有塞裔与克罗埃西亚裔的妇女遭强暴,但大部分受害者是波士尼亚穆斯林。
The Bosnian Serbs won't listen to us. 波斯尼亚塞族人不会听我们的。
And what the Serbs did was they separated the Muslim male prisoners from the women and the old people-and massacred them systematically to try and stop the flow of possible Bosnian Muslim fighters. 塞族人把被关押的穆斯林男性与女性和老人分开,然后有组织地把这些男子全部杀死,这样做的目的是为了阻止波斯尼亚穆斯林不断输送新战斗人员。
A Serbian judge has ruled that the former Bosnian Serb military commander Ratko Mladic is fit enough to be transferred to the war crimes tribunal at The Hague. 一名塞尔维亚法官判决,前波黑塞族军事总司令姆拉迪奇(RatkoMladic)的身体状况良好,可以转移到海牙国际刑事法庭。
He had been a career military officer in the Yugoslav army and then transferred over when the Bosnian Serb army was created and became the leader of the Bosnian Serb army. 姆拉迪奇在南斯拉夫军队中就是一名职业军官,后来当波斯尼亚塞族军队创建时,他又成为这支军队的领导人。
He campaigned for the Serbs in the Bosnian war. 在波斯尼亚战争中,他四处为塞尔维亚人奔走。
He met up with your bosnian. 他跟你的波斯尼亚人混在一起。
Sometimes intervention has clearly worked. After years of hanging back, Nato did ultimately stop the Bosnian war. 有时候外部干预显然取得了成效,在踌躇多年后,北约(Nato)最终平息了波斯尼亚战争。
The Bosnian Serbs, backed by the Serb-dominated Yugoslav military and paramilitary forces, quickly seized control of most of the country and laid siege to Sarajevo, the capital. 波黑塞族,在以塞族人为主的南斯拉夫军队和准军事力量的支持下,迅速的控制了这个国家的大多数地区,并包围了首都萨拉热窝。
It was an early morning raid on a house in the northern Serbian province of Vojvodina which captured the former Bosnian Serb commander in an operation by the country's security services. 黎明时分,塞尔维亚安全力量突袭了北部伏伊伏丁那地区一座房屋,逮捕了前波黑塞族指挥官。
That morning, the 19-year-old Bosnian Serb and six other would-be assassins had failed to kill the Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand. 那个清晨,这位19岁的波斯尼亚塞尔维亚人和其他6个想要成为暗杀者的人,未能刺杀奥地利大公弗朗茨斐迪南(franzferdinand)。
It, s obvious to everybody that majority of Bosnian citizens don, t want Bosnia as their state. 所有人都知道大多数波斯尼亚人不希望把波斯尼亚看做是他们的国家。
Or maybe it's bosnian, I'm not sure. 或许是波斯尼亚人,我不太确定。
Almost all the journalists I know who covered the Bosnian war became convinced advocates of outside intervention. 几乎每一位我认识的报道过波斯尼亚战争的记者,都成了外部干预的坚定支持者。