The Boston Museum of Fine Arts has already contracted to lease part of its collection to a museum in Japan. 波士顿美术博物馆已经签订合同,将其部分藏品租借给日本一家博物馆。
The ship was permitted to tie up in Boston harbour. 该船获准在波士顿港口停泊。
In 1932, one Boston layman wrote to Archbishop William O'Connell in support of Father Coughlin. 1932年,波士顿一名平信徒致函大主教威廉·奥康奈尔,声援库格林神父。
She's on the line from her home in Boston. 她是在波士顿家中打电话。
The exhibition at Boston's Museum of Fine Arts is more a production than it is a museum display 波士顿美术博物馆的展览与其说是一次博物馆展出,倒不如说是一场精心设计的展演活动。
In March 1770, there occurred what became known as the Boston Massacre. 1770年3月在那里发生了后来闻名的波士顿惨案。
Dr David McCleland, of Boston University, studied one-hundred people, aged eighteen to sixty, to prove the point 为证明这一点,波士顿大学的戴维·麦克莱兰博士对100名年龄在18至60岁之间的人进行了研究。
Two rapid transit trains collided early this morning in Boston. 今晨早些时候,两辆高速火车在波士顿相撞。
Sincere performances and gritty Boston settings add to the film's realism. 真诚的表演和对波士顿这一背景城市的真实刻画增添了电影的现实主义色彩。
The Kruzenshtern is expected to sail for Boston this week. “克鲁森施滕”号预计将于本星期启航前往波士顿。
Come to my suite so I can tell you all about this wonderful play I saw in Boston 到我的套房来吧,这样我就可以跟你好好讲讲我在波士顿看的这部非常棒的戏了。
Mack was driving down from Vermont, with a stop in Boston to pick Sarah up. 麦克正开车从佛蒙特向南行驶,中途经停波士顿接上萨拉。
In a new recording, the Boston Philharmonic tried the original tempo 在新唱片中,波士顿爱乐乐团尝试了全新的节奏。
The New England Shelter in Boston will serve Christmas dinner for 200 vets 波士顿的新英格兰收容所将为200名老兵提供圣诞晚餐。
Boston's traditional drab brick was slow to yield to the modern glass palaces of so many American urban areas. 波士顿传统而单调的砖石建筑并没有迅速被许多美国城市地区流行的现代玻璃大厦所取代。
These include Boston, Los Angeles and New York. 它们包括波士顿,洛杉矶和纽约。
I saw you on TV winning the Boston marathon. 我在电视里看到你赢了波士顿马拉松。
I went to see Boston play New York a few months ago. 几个月前我去看过波士顿和纽约比赛。
It was promptly copied in New York, Boston and Chicago papers. 它马上被纽约、波士顿和芝加哥的报纸转载了。
American Airlines contacted Boston center. 美国航空公司联系了波士顿中心。
Were you with him in boston? 在波士顿时你和他在一块吗?
He broke down boston's defense. 他击溃了波士顿的防守。
Once they drowned a boy in Boston in some park. 他们有个男孩在波士顿一个公园里淹死了。
The delegates visited both New York and boston. 代表们既访问了纽约,又访问了波士顿。
He had arranged his affairs for a two week's trip to New York and boston. 他把事情安排一下,到纽约和波士顿去作两个星期的旅行。
He was born in Boston and went to school there. 他在波士顿出生,并在那里上了学。
Ben and I are on the noon flight to boston. 我和本中午的航班去波士顿。
Or have you got kids and live in London, New York or Boston? 或者,你是否有孩子、并且和孩子住在伦敦、纽约或波士顿?