There he is, the handsome Bostonian, summoning a generation to service and a nation to greatness, in a speech that would become part of the American canon. 他一位英俊的波士顿人就在那里,以一篇后来成为美国行为准则一部分的演说,呼唤一代人为他人奉献,呼唤整个国家创造伟大业绩。
In Kyoto, the ratio is now 10 percent& well short of Bostonian standards but still the highest density of any Japanese city. 在京都,这个比例是10%&远远低于波士顿,但仍然是日本城市中最高的。
As a result of the ban, said Mr. McSweeney, a former Bostonian, people started going to the take-aways to bring their hooch home, where they could watch soccer on the telly, and have their drink and smoke. 因为禁令,曾经是波士顿人的麦克斯威尼说,人们开始去外卖店把烈酒带回家,他们可以一边看足球比赛,一边喝酒、抽烟。
They will also have to create a fiscal framework that allows for cross border transfers, resolves conflicts between creditors and debtors and supports the Bostonian principle of "no taxation without representation". 它们还将必须创建一个财政框架,允许跨境转移、解决债权国和债务国之间的冲突,并支持“没有代表权就没有税收”(notaxationwithoutrepresentation)的波士顿原则。
Oh, my God! She's a Bostonian! 哦,上帝!她在波士顿!
A farm boy from Idaho can bring something to Harvard College that a Bostonian cannot offer. 一个来自爱达荷洲的农村男孩,可能为哈佛大学带来一个波士顿人无法提供的东西。
The main feature of Bostonian Confucianism is dialogue and that of Hawaii Confucianism is interpretation. 波士顿儒学以对话为主要特点,夏威夷儒学以诠释为主要特点。
Most Bostonian choose to watch the firework on TV at home. 老波士顿人都选择猫在家里看电视转播。
Confucianism has gone global, an important sign of which is that there form the two Confucian schools of thoughts in the United States: Bostonian Confucianism and Hawaii Confucianism. 儒学已经走向世界,其重要标志是在美国形成了两个儒家学派:波士顿儒学和夏威夷儒学。