Puranas are named after the three main forms of brahman: brahma, the creator; vishnu, the protector of life and humanity; and shiva, the destroyer. 往世书是根据婆罗门的三种主要形态来命名的:梵天,创造者;毗瑟奴,人类与生命的保护者;湿婆,毁灭者。
This fear is the result of thought, and Brahman is the product of thought, too. 这恐惧是思想的结果,而婆罗门也是思想的产物。
The Divine Mother and Brahman are one. 神圣母亲和梵天是一体。
Though apparently divided by names and forms through the inscrutable power of maya, that enchantress who makes the impossible possible, Brahman is really One and undivided. 尽管通过难以了解的摩耶(幻像)――这位把不可能变做可能的女巫的力量,它看上去被分割成不同的名相。
The Kena-upanishad discusses the qualities of the divine essence ( Brahman) and the relationship of the gods to the divine essence. 卡那奥义书论述了神圣要素(婆罗门)的品质和众神与神圣要素的关系。
Vedic Deities-These deities represent forces of nature or devas and are not equivalent to Brahman represented as Vishnu or Shiva. 陀吠众神&这些神代表了自然或提婆的力量,并不等同于把婆罗门描绘成毗瑟奴或湿婆。
It is possible for a man to attain gradually to the Knowledge of Brahman because of the covering skin of maya. 由于有了摩耶的外层表皮的覆盖,才让人有可能逐渐地得到梵天的知识。
The caste system was so sacred that it was written into the law and the Brahman's dogma. 种姓制度不仅订在法律,且规定在婆罗门教义教条中,神圣而不可侵犯。
They all speak to the realization of the Atman as being nothing other than the infinite Brahman. 它们都说是实现阿特曼,因为除了无限的婆罗门以外,并无其他。
Study on Growth Ability of Brahman and Brahman Cross to Yunnan Yellow Cattle 婆罗门牛及其改良云南黄牛的效果研究
Beyond cause, beyond effect and designated as Brahman the Ultimate Truth. 它是超越因果而被指定为婆罗门的根本真理。
Where do the four elements come from? The Brahman asked. 四大火风从何而生?
He whose destiny neither the gods nor demigods nor men do know, he who has destroyed defilements and become worthy, him I call a Brahman. 他的命运不是神只、也不是半神、更不是人所能知悉的;但他已消除垢秽,变得受人敬重;我会叫他做婆罗门。
Change your viewpoint to that of Knowledge and you will perceive the Universe to be only Brahman. 改变的你的视角朝向真正的知识,你将了解这整个宇宙只是梵。
The effect of crossbreeding with Brahman and native yellow CATTLE-THIRD report of the research 婆罗门牛与本地黄牛杂交效果研究初报
Brahman is the only Real Existence. 梵天是唯一的真正存在。
As the Buddha pointed out, a Brahman could be a superior person not because he came out of a Brahman womb, but only if he acted with truly skillful intentions. 如佛陀指出,一位婆罗门之能成精英,非因他生于婆罗门之家,而只有当他真正以善巧动机行事之时。
If it is necessary, God gives him the Knowledge of Brahman. 如果是有必要的,神会给予他梵天的知识。
Virasaivism rejected the vedas, the Brahman priesthood, and all caste distinction. 林伽教派拒绝吠陀和婆罗门祭司,还有所有的种姓差别。
OM is the original mantra, it is just the pure sound of the consciousness we call Brahman or God. “奥姆”是起始的真言,是最初的世界(我们称之为梵或者神)发出的纯净的声音。
She refuses to love the Brahman in return for the antidote. 她拒绝为解毒药而去爱婆罗门。
"No, brahman, I am not a human being." “不,婆罗门,我不是一个普通人。”
You answer,'No, brahman, I am not a yakkha. 不,婆罗门,我不是一个夜叉鬼。
Roy outwardly remained a hindu, wearing the sacred cord and keeping most of the customs of the orthodox brahman; but his theology was surprisingly un-indian. 罗伊表面上仍然是一个印度教徒,穿着圣线,保留着传统婆罗门的大多数习俗,但令人惊讶的是,他的神学是非印度的。
He who knows former lives, who sees heaven and hell, who has reached the end of births and attained to super-knowledge, the sage, accomplished with all accomplishments, him I call a brahman. 他知悉前生、看见天界和地府、达致再生的尽头、得到至高的识见、这圣哲既获得所有的成就;我会叫他做婆罗门。
I am really that Brahman which is my eternal nature. 我真的认为这是我的婆罗门永恒的性质。
Your name is the wellspring of supreme bliss, the embodiment of Brahman, is readily available, and is full of transcendental knowledge. 您的圣名是至尊喜悦赐福的泉源,是梵的化身,是触手可及的,充满超然知识。
All of that had left the Brahman unmoved. 所有这一切都不能让那个婆罗门有丝毫动心。
D.: When the Upanishads say that all is Brahman, how can we agree with Shankara that this world is illusory? 门徒:奥义书说“一切都是梵”,为什么商竭罗却说“这个世界是一个幻象”。
The majority of them, however, still require not only caste, such as Brahman or kshatriya, but also a certain home region or ethnic origin. 然而,大多数征婚广告仍然不仅要求种姓,例如是婆罗门或刹帝利,而且还对对方的籍贯或民族提出一定要求。