Cool energy drink spotted in the nether-regions of Bratislava. 清凉饮料发现了虚空,布拉迪斯拉发地区。
So wait, this place is near bratislava? 这个地方在布拉迪斯拉发附近?
Slovak security officials have discovered explosives in the Capital Bratislava. 斯洛伐克安全官员称在首都布拉迪斯拉发发现了爆炸物。
The fund we run is for a large Czech bank and has office, residential and retail units in Prague and Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia. 我们是为捷克的一家大银行运作基金,基金资产包括位于布拉格和斯洛伐克首府布拉迪斯拉发的办公室、住宅及零售单元。
But among more mobile, cost-conscious investors, there is a clear shift away from hotspots including Prague, Warsaw, Budapest and Bratislava, where labour is short, in favour of locations offering more scope for recruitment. 但在流动性更大、成本意识更强的投资者中,出现了一种明显的转变,即从劳动力短缺的布拉格、华沙、布达佩斯和布拉迪斯拉瓦等投资热点,转向提供更多招聘空间的地点。
Our next stop is bratislava. 我们下一站是布拉迪斯拉发。
No one can really give you a free mobile handset, or fly you to Bratislava for 99p. 没有人能够真的免费提供一部手机给你,或是以99便士的价格让你飞往布拉迪斯拉发(Bratislava,斯洛伐克首都&译者注)。
This weekend the World Dog Show is taking place in Bratislava, Slovakia. 本周末,世界狗展在斯洛伐克布拉迪斯拉发举行。
But a "no" in Bratislava was never going to be more than a temporary setback. 来自曾布拉迪斯拉发(斯洛伐克首都)的拒绝也只不过是暂时的障碍。
He was born in Bratislava, Slovak Republic and has traveled all over the world working as a stunt man and a horse master ( or horse wrangler). 他出生在发斯洛伐克共和国的布拉迪斯拉,并且跑遍世界工作作为特技男子及一名马术师。
Crowd trouble held up MSK Zilina's Champions League Group F match with Spartak Moscow in Bratislava for20 minutes tonight when fans launched a fire cracker on to the pitch. 球迷问题使得日利纳所在的欧冠联赛F组同斯巴达克的比赛中断了20分钟,当时球迷向球场内发射火箭。