Even the average mutual fund manager, who gets paid far less than Dalio, was up 0.9% in the fourth quarter alone, just slightly better than Bridgewater did all year. 即便是经理人薪酬远低于奥利奥的普通共同基金,仅第四季度就上涨了0.9%,相比桥水全年的表现也略胜一筹。
Du, then 21 and an undergraduate at Bridgewater State College in Massachusetts, was shocked. 当时年仅21岁,还在马萨诸塞州布里奇沃特州立学院研读本科的杜鹃对此大为吃惊。
Mr Dalio is famous for forbidding staff of his Bridgewater fund from gossiping and has warned them: If you talk behind people's backs... you are called a slimy weasel. 戴利奥很有名的一个段子是禁止其桥水(Bridgewater)基金公司的员工讲八卦。他警告员工:如果你在别人背后说闲话你就是只令人嫌恶的臭黄鼠狼(slimyweasel)。
A couple of months ago, Ray Dalio founder of the Bridgewater hedge fund presented his staff with equally nutty reading matter. 几个月前,Bridgewater对冲基金的创始人雷伊戴利奥(RayDalio)交给员工一个同样愚蠢的读物。
Emma Bridgewater pottery-spotty mugs, cow creamers, plates encircled with such phrases as "toast and marmalade"-is domestic and comforting. 埃玛布里奇沃特陶器斑点杯子、奶牛状奶壶、环绕写着“烤面包和果酱”等短语的盘子产自本国,令人欣慰。
Mr Rice was essentially co-opted by Ms Bridgewater, who says: We had a massive row and he stamped around and slammed doors. 赖斯实质上是由布里奇沃特指任的,她表示:我们大吵了一架,他来回跺脚,摔门。
Yet here is Mr rice, sitting in the factory he co-owns with his wife, Emma Bridgewater, discussing how they can double sales. 而赖斯却坐在与妻子埃玛布里奇沃特(emmabridgewater)共同拥有的工厂里,讨论着如何能让销售额翻番。
Speaking by phone from their home in Oxford, Ms Bridgewater, 44, says: In 1984 I wanted to buy my mother a pair of cups and saucers that would be nice and companionable, but could find nothing in the shops. 现年44岁的布里奇沃特在位于牛津的家中通过电话表示:1984年,我想为母亲购买一对漂亮而匹配的杯子和杯托,但商店里根本找不到。
First, the design style established by MS Bridgewater and elaborated by Mr rice was unfussy and casual. 首先,由布里奇沃特确立、由赖斯精心发挥的设计风格简洁而随意。
The thing is, that is exactly what Ms Bridgewater and Mr Rice have done at their Emma Bridgewater business. 布里奇沃特和赖斯在他们的埃玛布里奇沃特公司的正是这样做的。