The wedding will be at the Brompton Oratory next month. 婚礼将于下月在布朗普顿礼拜堂举行。
The business moved to premises in Brompton Road. 这家公司搬到了布朗普顿路。
While they were living in london, Carol and mark attended miss vacani's famous dancing school in the Brompton road. 他们在伦敦居住期间,卡罗尔和马克进了瓦西妮小姐在布朗普顿路开办的有名的舞蹈学校。
It was evening when his carriage thundered up to the little door in Brompton, whither the affectionate fellow drove first, and before hieing to the apartments secured for him by Mr. 直到傍晚时分,他的马车才轰隆轰隆来到白朗浦顿,在小门前面停下来。