Bupa runs private hospitals in Britain 保柏在英国开办私立医院。
Meanwhile, the Bupa survey revealed France is the most young-at-heart nation, with almost one third of French respondents believing people are only old when they pass 80. 调查还显示,法国是心理最年轻的国家,将近三分之一的法国人认为只有过了80岁才算老。
Private health care provider BUPA commissioned the survey as part of a debate on the implications of an ageing population. 英国专门提供医疗保健服务的私营公司BUPA委托莫里调查公司做了此项调查,其调查结果成为英国老龄化的一个有力证据。
Referral programmes are useful, but certain rules are necessary, says Helen hall, human resources director for Bupa UK membership. bupaukmembership人力资源主管海伦霍尔(helenhall)表示,引荐计划是有用的,但有必要制定一些规则。