Main cause of Byzantium holding out Moscow was not only Byzantium declined and threaten of outward increased but also Moscow pledged loyalty Byzantium and inherited orthodox from byzantium. 拜占廷支持莫斯科公国的主要原因在于随着自身的衰落,外部威胁加剧,而莫斯科公国效忠拜占廷,继承东正教。
To historians brought up on the conflicts between papacy and Empire in the medieval west, it has often seemed that the church was a mere Department of state in byzantium. 对于那些在中世纪成长并目睹了教皇统治与帝国冲突的西方历史学家来说,教会在拜占庭似乎仅仅是国家的一个部门。
Of or relating to the ancient city of byzantium. 拜占庭式的古拜占庭城的或与其有关的。
The Clash and Merging between Arabic Civilization and Byzantium Civilization 阿拉伯文明与拜占廷文明的碰撞与融合
The way of association between Byzantium and Kievan Rus was trade and warfare, warfare was the commonest means defending trade, but plunder and slaughter followed each war. 拜占廷与基辅罗斯国家的交往方式为征战贸易,战争是维护贸易的最常见手段,但每次战争都伴随着掠夺和杀戮。
The largest city and former capital of Turkey; built on the site of ancient Byzantium; seat of the Eastern Orthodox Church. 土耳其最大的城市和前首都;修建在古代拜占庭上;东正教所在地。
But the conservatism of Byzantium is often represented as more rigid than it actually was. 但是拜占廷的保守性在外表上往往比实际操作中更为严格。
This is basically where we start talking about the beginning of Byzantine Christianity because it's named after the town Byzantium or Constantinople, or Istanbul. 基本上这时,拜占庭基督教就开始了,这个教的名字就是源于这座城市,拜占庭,君士坦丁堡,伊斯坦布尔。
True, the brilliant successes of the seventh century Muslim Arabs in their military incursions against Byzantium and Persia are the highlights of every Arab schoolbook. 诚然,阿拉伯穆斯林在公元7世纪军事入侵拜占庭和波斯时取得的辉煌成就,是每一本阿拉伯教科书最精彩的部分。
Originally a Thracian settlement, it passed over the centuries to Rome, Byzantium, two Bulgarian kingdoms, Ottoman Turkey, and Russia.In1879 it became the capital of independent Bulgaria. 最初是色雷斯人的一个定居点,在几个世纪之间,先后属于罗马、拜占庭、两个保加利亚王国、奥斯曼土耳其和俄国。
He moved the capital to Constantinople, named after him of course, the city of Constantine, what we call Istanbul, or Byzantium was its ancient name also. 他迁都君士坦丁堡,很明显君士坦丁堡是用他的名字命名,现在叫伊斯坦布尔,它在古代的另一个名字叫拜占庭。
The differences between the thinking in Byzantium and the west were most profoundly highlighted with the Great Schism, the division of Christendom. 在基督世界的分水岭&大分裂时期,拜占庭人和西罗马人在思想上的分歧已经非常突出。
In the minds of many authorities, Basil II was the greatest of all the emperors of Byzantium. 在许多专制君主的头脑中,瓦西里二世是拜占庭最为伟大的皇帝。
Commentaries on the Studies of Relations between Byzantium and Ancient Rus in Russia since the Disintegration of the Soviet Union 近年来俄罗斯的拜占廷与古罗斯关系研究综述
For Yeats, Byzantium was only an instrument instead of the final destination. 对叶芝来说,拜占庭只是它山之石,叶芝的最终目的不在石而在玉。
To the holy city of Byzantium. 来到神圣的都城拜占庭。
During this process, the internal and external surroundings which the Byzantium was in changed greatly. 在这个过程中,拜占廷帝国所处的内外环境都发生了巨大变化。
On Lawmaking Activities of Byzantium from Late 9th Century to 10th Century 9世纪后期至10世纪的拜占庭立法活动
It began as the city of Byzantium, which had grown from an ancient Greek colony founded on the European side of the Bosporus. 一词,源于古代希腊在博斯普鲁斯海峡岸边的一个殖民地名称。
Utopia of Spirit& A Tentative Discussion on the Image of Byzantium in Yeats 'Creation 精神的乌托邦&试论叶芝创作中的拜占庭形象
In 330, the Emperor Constantine had transferred the Empire's capital from Rome to the ancient Black Sea city of Byzantium, renamed Constantinople. 330年,皇帝君士坦丁把帝国首都从罗马迁至古代的黑海城拜占庭,更名为君士坦丁堡。
After Kievan Rus broke up, in Rus each Prince pursued own independent diplomacy policy, so relation of Byzantium and Rus became very complicated. 基辅罗斯分裂后,罗斯各王公追求自己的独立外交政策,拜占廷与罗斯政治关系变得复杂。
In the masterpiece Sailing to Byzantium, Yeats created a complex image the Byzantium Empire. 在晚期的名作《驶向拜占庭》中,叶芝构建了帝国拜占庭这一内涵丰富的象征物。
If the European Union today plays the part of the Holy Roman Empire, then the US is the new Byzantium, facing both East and West while in a state of relative decline. 如果说欧盟(eu)现今扮演的是神圣罗马帝国(holyromanempire)的角色,那么美国就是新拜占庭帝国,在相对式微之际,要同时面对东方与西方。
In the image of the Byzantium Empire, Yeats expressed his wish for his mother country Ireland and disclosed his aristocratic ideal. 借助拜占庭这面镜像,叶芝实现了对诗人本身和祖国爱尔兰进行言说的最终目的。
Support of Byzantium promoted objectively union of russia, lead to rise of moscow, impelled alliance of Lithuania and poland. 拜占廷支持莫斯科的政策客观上促进了俄罗斯的统一,并直接导致了莫斯科公国的兴起,促使立陶宛与波兰实行王国联合。
We should remember, Athens the ages Greece the greatness of the civilization is the result of the liberal education; contrary, the indigence of the Byzantium civilization in the ages Greece is exactly the result of the monastic rules regulations. 我们应该记住,雅典时代希腊文明的伟大,是自由教育的结果;相反,拜占庭时代希腊文明的贫乏,正是清规戒律的结果。
It is not possible to say exactly when the older uses were forsaken for that of Byzantium. 这是不可能准确说出何时老年人使用的人抛弃的拜占庭。
That Byzantium holding out Moscow is one of outside impetus of rise of Moscow. 拜占廷对莫斯科公国的支持是莫斯科公国兴起的外部推动力。