Your question reminds me of my visit to Hong Kong in2003. 听到香港记者的提问,我想起在2003年我访问了香港,也就是在那一年那次访问,我见证了内地与香港签署了CEPA协定。
Under CEPA, bank branches established by a Hong Kong bank in Guangdong can now set up "cross-location" sub-branches in Guangdong Province. 在这一安排下,香港银行设在广东的分行现已能够在广东省内开设跨区域分行。
The latest supplement to CEPA came into effect last October. 《更紧密经贸关系的安排》的最新的补充书已经于去年10月生效。
But the trademark preemptive registration in the three regions actually became a trade barrier, which is in violation of the objective and goal of the CEPA. 但发生在三地之间的商标抢注为三地经贸往来造成事实上的贸易壁垒,有违CEPA的宗旨和目标。
Empirical Analysis on the Economic Effect of Mainland and Hong Kong CEPA 内地与香港CEPA经济效应的实证分析
The Challenge and Development Direction of Guangxi's Finance Under CAFTA and CEPA 广西金融在CAFTA和CEPA对接中的历史机遇及发展方向
The consecutive arrangements of CEPA will bring much more and wider commercial opportunities to the three places. 香港、澳门与内地建立更紧密经贸关系安排的出台,将为三地合作带来更广阔的商机。
Therefore, from the perspective of national political economic strategy, CEPA is an important kick-off with economic as well as political natures, internal as well as external natures. 因此,从国家政治经济战略层次来看,CEPA是经济性与政治性、国内性与国际性兼具的政治经济安排的重要起步。
He fears, however, that after the latest CEPA agreement, these mainland investors will prefer remaining with mainland fund managers when investing in Hong Kong. 不过他担心,在两地签署最新的cepa协议后,这些内地投资者在香港进行投资时,会更倾向于选择内地基金管理公司。
Smooth progress has been made for the CEPA between the mainland China and HK and Macao; 中国内地与香港、澳门建立更紧密经贸关系安排进展顺利;
CEPA and the institutional cooperation among GD, HK and Macao s higher education; Study on the Cooperation Model between Guangdong, Hong Kong& Macau under One Country Two Systems Policy CEPA与粤港澳高等教育的制度化合作一国两制框架下粤港澳合作模式研究
An Empirical Study for cooperation on trade in services between Hong Kong and Guangdong after the implementation of CEPA-based on the Balassa model, Gravity model and Shopping model CEPA实施后粤港服务贸易合作的实证研究&基于巴拉萨模型、引力模型和购物模型
The new agreement, which will take effect next year, expands CEPA to cover elderly care, green technology and public utilities, and also furthered liberalisation of the banking, legal and tourism sectors. 此项将于明年生效的新协议,扩大了cepa的范围,将养老服务、绿色科技和公用事业纳入其中,并进一步开放银行、法律和旅游业。
CEPA also explicitly states that Hong Kong-invested construction enterprises on the mainland that have acquired quality construction certification are permitted to bid for projects in all parts of the mainland. cepa又明确规定,凡取得建筑企业资质证明的港资企业可在全国范围内参加工程投标。
The Programme recognizes wetland centres at Ramsar Sites and other wetlands as key places for learning and training about wetlands and wetland-related CEPA. 在这个计划中,位于拉姆萨尔湿地和其他湿地内的教育中心被认为是培训和学习有关湿地及开展CEPA活动的重要场所。
This paper considers the diversity of wetland centres worldwide and their potential in delivering CEPA for the sustainable wise use of wetlands. 该计划的目的在于提高对湿地功能和价值认识,同时保证人们通过一种方式实现湿地的可持续合理利用。
A Study on the Developing Strategies of Guangdong Tourism Service Trade under CEPA CEPA背景下广东省旅游服务贸易的发展对策研究
The Research of Anti-Circumvention Legal Problems under CEPA 论CEPA框架下的反规避法律问题
If CEPA is purely an internal economic arrangement without violating WTO regulations, US have no reason or justification to object. 如果CEPA只是国内的经济安排,只要不违反世贸规定,美国并没有理由也没有藉口反对。
Influence on FDI of Hunan from CEPA CEPA对湖南利用外资的影响及对策
We are targeting to set up a Local District Association of CEPA Business Opportunities Development Alliance in some big Province of China. 计划在中国各大省市成立CEPA商机发展联合会分会,现已积极筹划以下地区之分会事宜。
Hunter Wetlands Centre truly understands that CEPA can lead to positive changes in the way wetlands are valued across Australia. 猎人湿地中心真切地认识到CEPA能够对使全澳大利亚湿地更富价值起到积极的引导作用。
But CEPA has also benefited foreign companies that have set up operations in Hong Kong. 但cepa也令在港开展业务的外国企业受益。
As CEPA is also a political economic arrangement for regional integration, US, in order to maintain its hegemonic status, will not dare to ignore. 然CEPA既然也属中国为推展区域经济整合的一项政治经济安排,为了维持其霸权地位,美国必然不会漠视。
Research of CEPA and HK foreign trade development 关于《CEPA》与香港对外贸易发展的研究
The nominated National CEPA Focal Points ( government and NGO) have a central role in collaborating with these centres. 指定的国家CEPA负责人(政府和非政府组织)在协调这些湿地中心发挥了核心作用。
Research on Cross-strait Financial Legal System by Taking Example from the Content of CEPA 借鉴CEPA内容完善两岸金融法制建设的研究
This paper introduces overall impact of the implementation of CEPA: firstly, improve the development of investment relations; 本文还对CEPA的内涵、出台背景、总目标和主要内容做了介绍,同时分析了CEPA实施对内地和香港的总体影响:一是促进投资关系的发展;