You Cannot rename, upload, or delete files or folders through a CERN proxy server as you Can through other types of proxy servers. 您不能通过CERN代理服务器重命名、上载或删除文件或文件夹,而您通过其他代理服务器则能作到这一点。
In July, the European particle-physics laboratory CERN, which runs an atom-smashing machine called the Large Hadron Collider, said it may have discovered a Higgs-like particle. 去年7月,拥有大型强子对撞机(LargeHadronCollider)的欧洲粒子物理实验室CERN说,可能已经发现了类似希格斯的粒子。
The techniques we, that are being used there were, were first tried out here. A lot of the people, did, did their training here in Fermi Lab. CERN的实验使用的技术,最初就是在我们这里试用,CERN的许多人都在费米实验室接受了培训。
But he points out his colleagues at CERN were careful to say they found a Higgs like object, but not the Higgs Boson itself. 但他也指出,CERN的同事们在发布信息时很小心,没有说发现了希格斯粒子,而是说发现了类似希格斯粒子的物体。
Doubtful physicists questioned the carefulness of CERN's time measuring and analysis. 可知,有些科学家怀疑对中微子速度测量时的精确性,故选。
Thousands of scientists around the world want to access and analyze this data, so CERN is collaborating with institutions in33 different countries to operate the LCG. 全世界数以千计的科学家需要访问和分析这些数据,所以CERN与33个不同国家的机构展开合作来运营LCG。
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The LHC, which fits into the underground tunnel used by an earlier accelerator at CERN, is27 kilometers in circumference. 在LHC,它由一到早在CERN加速器适合使用的地下隧道,在周长为27公里。
The Globe of Science and Innovation has no scientific function, but the center is a distinctive CERN landmark. 全球的科学和创新方面没有科学的功能,但该中心是一个独特的欧洲核子研究中心的一个里程碑。
The exterior of the Atlas control center at CERN is spruced up with physics-appropriate artwork. 该图集在CERN控制中心是整洁的外观与物理学相适应的作品。
The question should be settled one way or another in 2012, through further neutrino experiments at CERN and Fermilab in the US. 无论以何种方式,这个问题应该都会在2012年得到解决,欧洲粒子物理实验室和美国费米实验室(fermilab)都会继续这方面的实验。
Happy times for scientists at CERN in Switzerland: not only have they made significant progress in their Big Bang recreation project, but they've also managed for the first time to capture antimatter. 欧洲粒子物理研究所地处瑞士,这里的科学家们最近日子过得不错:他们不仅在“大爆炸”项目方面取得重大进展,而且首次成功地捕获了反物质。
Another example would be the internet, it required the US and other armed forces to develop, and members of CERN ( particularly Berners-Lee) who made it accessible to everyone across the world. 美国军队和欧洲原子能机构的成员(主要是伯纳斯李)共同发展和推广了英特网,因此全世界的人才能够使用英特网。
The massive electromagnets deep underground appear to have escapeddamage, said spokesman James Gillies of CERN, the European Organizationfor Nuclear Research. 欧洲核研究组织,欧洲核子研究中心的发言人詹姆斯吉利斯说,地下深处的巨大电磁铁显示出有泄漏损坏。
CERN is the European Organization for Nuclear Research, the world's largest particle physics centre. 欧洲核研究的组织,是世界最大的粒子物理研究中心。
Mr Evans and other Cern scientists were giving an update on the LHC, a global facility that has been built over the past 14 years with substantial involvement by the US, Russia and Asian countries as well as Cern's core European membership. 埃文斯和CERN的其他科学家提供了LHC的最新进展。过去14年间,由于美国、俄罗斯、亚洲国家以及CERN在欧洲的核心会员国的大量参与,LHC已经壮大为一个全球性实验室。
CERN, which created and operates the Large Hadron Collider, has now built a stainless steel chamber that precisely recreates the Earth's atmosphere. CERN创造并经营大型强子对撞机,现在已经建成一座不锈钢的钢厅,准确地重造地球的大气层。
If your system uses a CERN proxy server, you will only be able to download and view files. 如果系统使用CERN代理服务器,则只能下载和查看文件。
They carried out an experiment that fired a beam of neutrinos from CERN to Italy's INFN Gran Sasso Laboratory. 他们做了一个实验从CERN实验室发送了一束微中子到意大利的意大利格朗萨索实验室。
Twenty years ago this month, Sir Tim Berners-Lee, while working at CERN, the European particle physics laboratory, proposed a system that would manage information about its experiments and enable people to work together through a web of hypertext documents. 20年前的3月,当时在欧洲粒子物理实验室cern工作的蒂姆伯纳斯-李爵士(sirtimberners-lee)提议,创建一个能够管理实验信息、并允许人们通过一个超文本文件网络一起工作的网络。
Their "cosmic rays" are generated by one of CERN's particle accelerators. 他们的宇宙射线由研究所的粒子加速器产生。
CERN physicists conducted a cosmic ray climate experiment that is said to directly contradict the climate change debate in the political arena. 欧洲核子研究中心的物理学家进行一项宇宙射线的气候实验,据说是直接地与在政治舞台上的气候变化争论相茅盾;
The LHC requires tremendous computing power to store data. A primary copy of the data is stored at CERN, but it's replicated elsewhere across the planet. 在LHC需要巨大的计算能力来存储数据。一个主要的数据副本存储在CERN,但它在整个地球上其他地方推广。
Perhaps the new particle accelerator LHC at CERN in Geneva will unravel some of the mysteries that continue to puzzle us. 也许,新的粒子加速器中的复合体在日内瓦欧洲核子研究中心将揭开一些谜团,继续困扰我们。
The new research was conducted by physicists at CERN, the particle physics laboratory outside Geneva. 欧洲粒子物理研究所物理学家指导新的研究,它是在日内瓦城外面的粒子物理学实验室。
CERN is reporting that the Large Hadron Collider could circulate particle beams through both of its pipes in just over a week. 欧洲原子核研究委员会报道说,欧洲大型强子对撞机可以让粒子束通过它的两根管道流通只超过一周。
A team at CERN, led by Jasper Kirkby, therefore decided to recreate both the solar cycle and the atmosphere in a lab. 因此,在欧洲粒子物理研究所,由JasperKirkby领导的一个小组,决定在实验室中再现太阳活动周期和大气层。
Access through a CERN proxy server is limited to viewing or downloading files. 通过CERN代理服务器访问将只能查看或下载文件。