Part one discusses the transformation from CMEA trade regime to world trade system, and explain the study purposes and approaches. 文章第一部分简单介绍了转型国家从经互会贸易体制到世界多边贸易体制的发展过程,并提出本文的研究目的、对象以及方法。
CMEA members have reverted to separate bilateral deals with lip service to multilateralism. 经互会成员国只是口头上侈谈多边贸易,实际上却已回复到各族的双边交易。
Unified International Economic Complex of CMEA Member States 经互会成员国统一国际经济综合体
Along with the collaps of CMEA and the boundary opening, dramatic changes have happened with EU and German steel tube industries. 随着经互会的瓦解及边界的开放,欧盟及德国钢管工业的状况发生了很大的变化。
Comprehensive Programme for the Further Extension and Improvement of Cooperation and the Development of Socialist Economic Integration of CMEA Member Countries 经互会成员国进一步扩大和改进互相合作和发展社会主义经济一体化综合方案
Pollution Monitoring in Environmental Background in the CMEA Countries 经互会成员国环境本底污染的监测
The Enlightenment of the EU's Prosperity and the CMEA's Winding-up for the Development of Regional Economic Organizations 欧盟与经互会的兴亡对区域性经济组织发展的启示
Concerning the trade and price system in CMEA, the member states pursued state monopoly of foreign trade. 在贸易和价格体系方面,经互会国家实行国家垄断的外贸体制,由中央机构控制贸易。
As to the system of international division of labor in CMEA, a document named basic principles of ISDL ( international socialist division of labor) was promulgated in 1962. From the document, market and competition were excluded, but planning was advocated. 在国际分工体系方面,经互会排斥了通过市场和自由竞争实现国际分工的路径,在《社会主义国际分工的基本原则》里规定主要由部门常设委员会实现有计划的国际分工。
The prices of trade commodity were often determined in a subjective way. As a result the movement of regional price in CMEA has no relation with that of world price. 在商品的贸易价格上,带有很强的人为主观色彩,结果经互会的价格变动和国际价格运动是不挂钩的。