But he himself is facing attention for having asked Andy Coulson to serve as his media adviser. 但他也因聘请库尔森作为其媒体顾问而备受关注。
The prime minister says Mr. Coulson told him he had no knowledge of the phone hacking incidents. 卡梅伦首相表示,coulson告诉他,他对电话窃听事故一无所知。
Coulson worked for Cameron until the police launched their new phone-hacking investigation in January, then resigned, still protesting his innocence, but saying he had become a distraction for the prime minister. Coulson一直为卡梅隆工作直到今年的年初警察开始介入调查窃听事件为止,之后他就辞职了,但是依旧宣称自己是无辜的而且说自己已经变成了卡梅伦首相的干扰。
Ms. Brooks and Mr. Coulson are the most high-profile of the eight who have been charged. 布鲁克斯和库尔森是被起诉的八人当中最引人注目的两个。
The actual milkshake we know and love came a little later in the 1900s. In 1922, a man called Ivan Pop Coulson wanted to make a remix on the recipe. 我们现在知道且喜爱的奶昔出现得较晚,到20世纪90年代才出现。1922年,一个名叫IvanPopCoulson的人想在食谱中再混合点东西。
Mr. Coulson stepped down from the News of the World's editorship in 2007 after the phone-hacking problem first came into view, saying he was unaware of the activity. 2007年电话窃听案首次曝光后,库尔森便辞去了《世界新闻报》主编一职,并说自己对此毫不知情。
Lead author Jo Coulson, from Bristol University, said: "It's generally well-known now that there are many physical and mental health benefits that can be gained from regular exercise." 布里斯托尔大学这项研究报告的主要作者乔?库尔森说:“有规律(Rule)的锻炼对身心健康益处良多,这一点现在已是大家都知道了。”
Cameron unbelievably still describes Coulson as a 'friend':' Tell me who your friends are and I will tell you who you are.' 卡梅隆令人难以置信仍称科尔森为朋友:“告诉我谁是你的朋友,我会告诉是你。”
Dr Coulson and colleagues did this by examining a population of Soay sheep on the island of Hirta in the Outer Hebrides. 库尔森博士与同僚,藉由观察外赫布里底群岛的希拉岛上的索艾羊,得出这个成果。
In his letter Mr Goodman alleged that Mr Coulson and NI's in-house lawyer offered to let him keep his job if he didn't implicate the paper or its staff in court. 古德曼在信中宣称,库尔森和世界新闻报的内部律师提出如果他在法庭上不将此事牵连世界新闻报或者其他同事,就可以保住他的工作。
Andy Coulson, then editor of the News of the World, resigned, but said he didn't know about the phone hacking. 时任《世界新闻报》主编的库尔森(AndyCoulson)辞职,但他说自己对电话窃听一事并不知情。
Mr Coulson said he was disappointed by the decision to prosecute and would fight the allegations in court. 柯尔逊表示,他对检方的决定感到失望,将在法庭上抗辩这些指控。
Mr Coulson, who has said that he was unaware of his reporter's activities, is now Mr Cameron's director of communications. 柯尔逊目前是卡梅伦手下的传播总监。他表示,以前他对手下记者的行为并不知情。
Andy Coulson, who resigned as editor of the News of the World during an earlier stage in the scandal, was until recently the Downing Street communications director. 就在不久前,在早期一宗丑闻中辞职的《世界新闻报》主编安迪柯尔逊(AndyCoulson)还是首相府的新闻负责人。
Mr Coulson left Downing Street in January, but has always denied knowing about hacking when he was at the News of the World. 库尔森在一月份离开就职的英国政府,但是一直否认其在世界新闻报时对黑客窃听的内幕知情。
Coulson, the former editor the News of the World, was arrested Friday. 科尔森是《世界新闻报》的前编辑,他于星期五被逮捕。该小报涉嫌行贿。
According to Grady, Oakley& Coulson ( 1999), conceptual metaphors are among the stable structures available for exploitation by the blending process, and thus conceptual metaphors can serve as important inputs to conceptual integration. 概念隐喻理论关注的凝固化的隐喻映现在概念整合过程中可以被利用来生成新的突生结构,因而这些凝固化的隐喻映现对概念整合来说是重要的、稳定的输入空间。
Coulson ( 2001) and others have identified semantic leaps in humorous interpretations with the theoretic tool of frame shifting. Coulson(2001)等用框架转换论来阐释幽默言语事件中的语义跃迁过程。
In this collection, the structure figures of PAH is characterized by the free valencies and Coulson bond orders of the molecular graphs. 分子图形象地以自由价和Coulson键序表征了各个芳烃的结构特点。