And, not surprisingly, Coinstar Inc. ( CSTR) is an investor. 事实上,硬币之星公司正是EcoATM的投资者之一。
Simulation results for a non-isothermal CSTR process demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed method. 通过非绝热连续反应釜的仿真验证了本方法的有效性。
The dynamic behavior of gas stripping ethanol during fermentation process in a CSTR was discussed in terms of the theory of bifurcation and regional stability. 依据歧点和稳定性理论探讨了在全混釜发酵过程中气提移醇的动力学行为,研究了该系统的多重定态现象、以及气提对多重稳态解的影响。
Multiple Model Adaptive Control of CSTR 连续搅拌釜的模糊多模型自适应控制
In this paper, a predictive control strategy based on neuro-fuzzy model is applied to Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor ( CSTR) process, which has characteristic of highly nonlinearity. 针对具有高度非线性特性的连续搅拌反应釜(CSTR)控制过程,研究了基于神经模糊模型的预测控制策略。
On line Quality Control of CSTR Concentration 连续搅拌釜式反应器出口浓度的在线质量控制
Iodate-Sulfite-Ferrocyanide Reaction Induced Calcium Oscillation in CSTR System 碘酸盐-亚硫酸盐-亚铁氰化物反应在CSTR体系中诱导的钙振荡
We demonstrated the application of modified RNN with self-feedback gains to rectify the simulated measurements obtained from dynamic continuous stirred tank reactor ( CSTR). 连续搅拌槽反应器实例的应用结果表明,反馈网络能快速、有效地校正动态过程测量数据。
Prevention Runaway Reaction in a CSTR with Exothermic Reaction 连续搅拌釜式反应器放热反应失控事故预防
A small discrepancy is due to the fact that the RNN only approximates the first-principles CSTR model. 一个小的差异是由于这样的事实,RNNCSTR采用的仅仅是近似模型。
Investigation on serial and parallel operations of insulated gate biploar transistor Cstr Model for p-Xylene Oxidation Reactor 绝缘栅型双极晶体管串联匀压并联匀流模拟分析对二甲苯氧化反应器连续全混流模型
In conclusion, such self-flocculating yeast technology could be used not only for CSTR but also for direct use of recycle effluent broth for continuous ethanol fermentation. 自絮凝颗粒酵母体系不仅可以用于搅拌式反应器,还可以直接使用循环废液进行连续酒精的发酵。
Bifurcation Analysis of Combustion Characteristics of Hydrogen in CSTR CSTR系统中氢气燃烧特性的分岔分析
CSTR control based on adaptive fuzzy logic and feedback linearization 基于反馈线性化的CSTR自适应模糊控制
Numerical Simulation of Flow Field in CSTR Hydrogen Bio-Production Reactor CSTR生物制氢反应器流场数值模拟
Study on the Danger of High-risk Process from Perspective of CSTR Thermal Stability 从全混流反应器热稳定性的角度探讨高危工艺的危险性
Dynamical Behaviors and Control of CSTR Oscillating Systems CSTR振荡体系的动力学行为及控制
Model Predictive Controller Design for Nonlinear CSTR Process 非线性CSTR过程预测控制器设计
Cstr Model for p-Xylene Oxidation Reactor 对二甲苯氧化反应器连续全混流模型
A new hybrid supervised learning control scheme is presented for continuous stirred tank reactor ( CSTR) systems. 提出了一种连续搅拌反应釜(CSTR)的混合监督学习控制方法。
The strategy based global feedback linearization for nonlinear system is developed for continuous stirred tank reactor ( CSTR). 针对典型化工非线性对象连续搅拌槽反应器(CSTR),研究了基于反馈线性化的预测函数控制方法。
Two systems of nonlinear ordinary differential equations are studied, which are quadratic CSTR model and SG model. 研究了两个非线性常微分方程系统二次型CSTR模型和SG模型。
The model built in this work is compared with CSTR model and PFR model. 对本文所建模型与常用的CSTR模型和PFR模型作了比较。
The precise model of the CSTR is not necessary for design of control system. 控制系统的设计不需要CSTR系统的精确模型。
Simulation results for a CSTR and comparison results with the Kalman estimator are discussed. 最后给出了对CSTR系统的仿真结果并与Kalman估计进行了比较。
The optimal control algorithms are applied to the CSTR process with infinite norm and 2-norm performance index. 利用CSTR过程的MLD模型,采用无穷范数和2范数性能指标研究了其优化控制。
This method used in simulation validation of the CSTR pH neutralization process. The control effect is better. 将该方法在CSTR的pH中和过程中进行仿真研究验证,获得较好的控制效果。
Then, the simulation of the temperature model in CSTR proves that the improved control system is satisfactory. 而后对反应釜温度模型进行了仿真研究,得到了令人满意的控制效果。
Simulation of oxidation reactor adopts the CSTR model in process simulation software and developed two-bubble class model. 其中,氧化反应器的模拟分别采用流程模拟软件的全混流模块和用户开发的双级气泡模型进行。
The improved genetic algorithm success solving the CSTR model, non-continuous dynamic model and Lee-Ramirez bioreactor model. 成功的将逐维进化动态算法用于求解CSTR模型、非连续动态模型和Lee-Ramirez生物反应器模型。