As a child growing up in the Calabrian hills I too remember the miraculous taste of figs ripened on my favorite tree. 小时候,我在卡拉布里亚的山上长大,那里有一棵我最喜爱的无花果树,我至今仍能记起树上那熟透的果实奇异的甜美。
The famous Calabrian macaroni-eating competition! 著名的克拉布利亚人吃通心粉大赛!
This last scene shows you what will happen at the end of the harvest: the famous Calabrian macaroni-eating competition! 最后这个场面向您展示收割结束时所进行的活动:卡拉布里亚人闻名的吃通心面比赛。
As the Calabrian story shows, the divergence has been going on throughout the decade since parities were locked. 正如卡拉布里亚的情况所表明的那样,自各方成立欧元区以来的10年里,差异就一直存在。