In1962, the International Court of Justice granted sovereignty to Cambodia, but adjacent land remained under Thai control. 1962年,国际仲裁法院给予柬埔寨该寺庙的领土主权,但是与这寺庙相毗邻的土地却仍在泰国的控制下。
The group has already started to work with Cambodia, Sierra Leone and Syria. 这个组织已经开始与柬埔寨、塞拉利昂和叙利亚合作。
That claim cannot be made by Cambodia, Malaysia or Singapore. 该主张不能由柬埔寨,马来西亚或新加坡提出。
Instead, longshots from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cambodia and Hungary advanced. 相反,当年来自波黑、柬埔寨和匈牙利的一些不被看好的电影晋级了。
Cambodia, Thailand, and Vietnam want a comprehensive assessment of cross-boundary environmental effects. 柬埔寨、泰国和越南要求对边界沿线的环境影响作出全面评估。
I think it is smart for Cambodia to be friends with many countries, she said. 我认为柬埔寨与多个国家保持友好关系是明智的,她表示。
Cooperation also included assistance to Cambodia and Myanmar in establishing national IP infrastructure. 这种合作包括了在建设国家知识产权基础设施方面向柬埔寨和缅甸提供的援助。
Malaria has long been a major cause of disease and death in Cambodia. 在柬埔寨,疟疾长久以来一直是主要的病因和死因。
Cambodia, Thailand, myanmar, Laos and other countries also cross water-sprinkling festival. 柬埔寨、泰国、缅甸、老挝等国也过泼水节。
United Nations secretary-general's task force on cambodia; 联合国秘书长柬埔寨问题工作队; friendly envoy between China and cambodia, they have made great contributions to the development of cambodia. 他们不但是中柬友谊的使者,而且为柬埔寨社会经济的发展作出了重大贡献。
A region of southeastern Asia that includes Burma and Cambodia and Laos and Malaysia and Thailand and Vietnam. 亚洲东南部的区域,包括越南、老挝、柬埔寨、泰国、缅甸和马来西亚的大陆部分。
Vietnam, Cambodia and India have all promised to reopen some of their rice exports. 越南,柬埔寨(Cambodia)和印度均承诺重开其大米(水稻)出口。
Countries such as Cambodia and Bangladesh now undercut Vietnam in cheap manufactures. 柬埔寨和孟加拉国一类国家现在正以低价与越南竞争廉价制造业市场。
The recent funding from international donors will be crucial in helping Cambodia control this disease. 最近来自国际捐助者的资助将对帮助柬埔寨控制该病至关重要。
They are enjoyed in Cambodia, Philippines and the fifth and seventh levels of hell. 柬埔寨、菲律宾、地狱第五和第七层的人非常喜欢吃这种东西。
Labour costs in countries such as Cambodia, Vietnam and Laos remain a fraction of those in China. 柬埔寨、越南和老挝等国家的劳动力成本仍远低于中国。
The Vietnamese mined Cambodia. 越南人在柬埔寨布了雷。
In fact, human trafficking is more similar in America and Cambodia than we would like to admit. 事实上,美国境内与在柬埔寨的贩卖人口情况,要比我们所承认的更加相似。
Cambodia is a poor country. 柬埔寨第一个很穷的国家。
A: I encountered this phenomenon in Cambodia. 答:我在柬埔寨遇到过这样的现象。
The company is in talks to launch projects or make acquisitions in countries from Costa Rica to Cambodia. 该公司正在从哥斯达黎加到柬埔寨的多个国家就开展项目或实施收购展开谈判。
He took quick and limited military action against Cambodia and reported to Congress about it as required. 他对柬埔寨采取了迅速的和一定范围内的军事行动,并按照要求报告给了国会。
Other countries with rising wealth gaps include India, Cambodia and Sri Lanka. 这些正在拉大贫富差距的国家包括:印度、柬埔寨和斯里兰卡。
Another program will cover Cambodia and Lao PDR. 另一个方案将覆盖柬埔寨和老挝。
We finally arrived in phnom penh, the capital of Cambodia. 我们终于来到了柬埔寨首都金边。
Singapore has been critical of Cambodia over the issue. 新加坡在这个问题上一直批评柬埔寨。