Suicide, proclaimed Albert Camus in "the myth of Sisyphus", is the only serious philosophical problem. 加缪在他的着作《西西弗的神话》中说到,自杀是唯一严肃的哲学问题。
Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower. ( Albert Camus) 秋天是春天的延续,每一片树叶都是一朵鲜花。
Existing and Forgetting: An Analysis of Real Situation of Human Life in the View of Albert Camus 生存与遗忘:加缪视野下的生活真相解析
So balance is Camus 'hidden line, which correspond to absurdity in his works. 所以可以说荒谬是加缪哲学的主线,而平衡是与其一直相对应的潜台词。
Camus argued that not absurdity but absurd outcome is important. 加缪觉得荒谬并不重要,重要的是荒谬的结果。
Do not wait for the last judgement. It takes place every day.& Camus 你不必等最后的审判,因为最后审判每天都在发生。&加缪
Being able to read Balzac, Moli è re, Racine, Flaubert, Zola and Camus in their language as no matter how good the translation may be, it's just not the same. 可以没有任何障碍的阅读巴尔扎克、莫里哀、拉辛(法国作家、讽刺诗人)、福楼拜、左拉和加缪的法语原著和借助翻译来读他们的作品是两码事。
On Man's Searching for Self& A Parallel Reading of Albert Camus and Saul Bellow 人之自我的寻找&加缪与贝娄对读一种
In order to express special aesthetic experience of human survival condition before and after World War ii, in "the stranger", Camus has done many experiments and adjustment in the narrative form. 为了准确传达自己对“二战”前后人类生存状况的独特审美体验,在《局外人》中,加缪在叙事形式上作了诸多实验和调整。
On the Tragedy of Struggling with Fate& Analysis of Camus s The Stranger; 向命运抗争的悲剧&解读加缪的《局外人》
That by Jose Lenzini, a French former journalist, is the most unusual, retracing Camus's last journey from Provence to Paris as a series of imaginary flashbacks through his life. 曾当过法国记者的若斯•伦兹尼的传记最为与众不同,通过加缪一生中一系列的闪回镜头,追溯他从普罗旺斯到巴黎的旅程。
Modern Men Talking Endlessly: A Psychological Study on Albert Camus 'Novels 无休止言说的现代人&加缪小说文本心理研究
The Stranger is the masterpiece of Albert Camus, which built an enduring monument in French literature. 《局外人》作为加缪的经典之作,在法国文学史上立下了一座不朽的丰碑。
Scorning chronological order, I began with Kierkegaard and Sartre, then moved quickly to Spinoza, Hume, Kafka, and Camus. 不按照年代顺序,我从克尔恺郭尔和萨特开始,然后很快看了斯宾诺莎、休谟、卡夫卡和加缪。
Do they kmow this quote from Albert camus? 他们知道加缪的这段话吗?
The 20th Century Ideological Disputes as Reflected in the Incident of Albert Camus 从加缪事件看20世纪的思想纷争
A special answer was given by Albert Camus from his thought of fantastic philosophy. 加缪的荒诞哲学给了我们一个独特的思考方式。
Camus defined absurdity as a confrontation and division between the rational and irrational, and between eternity and finity. 加缪把荒诞定义为一种理性与非理性、永恒与有限之间的对立和断裂。
Camus owns this brand makes us has the plenty goods and best price value. 卡慕对品牌的所有权保障了货源的稳定充足和极佳的性价比。
Apparently, Camus in which depicting a pessimistic optimism in a bid to a negative outlook on the world to establish a positive attitude to life. 很显然,加缪在悲观中透出一种乐观,试图在一种消极的世界观中确立一种积极的人生态度。
PartIII: The differences of philosophy between Camus and Sartre. 第三部分:加缪和萨特的哲学分歧。
The main products imported Ren Touma wine, wine Hennessy, Martell wine Napoleon wine, wine Camus, the French original imported wines, domestic famous wine trade. 公司主要经营进口人头马洋酒、轩尼诗洋酒、马爹利洋酒拿破仑洋酒、卡慕洋酒,法国原装进口葡萄酒、国产名优酒的贸易。
Albert Camus ( 1913-1960) is one of the important representatives of existentialist philosophy and French existentialist literature. 阿尔贝·加缪(AlbertCamus,1913&1960)是存在主义哲学、法国存在主义文学的重要代表之一。
The Stranger is Camus's literary expression of preposterous philosophy. 《局外人》是加缪荒诞哲学的文学表现。
In this sense, Camus 'philosophy of absurdity is an implicit criticism of his own fiction. 在此意义上,加缪的荒诞哲学构成了对他这部小说的潜在批判。
The writing of The First Man is an unfinished Returning Home Spiritually in Camus's creations. 《第一个人》的写作是加缪创作的一次未完成的精神返乡。
This part discusses the reflection in camus 'thoughts against fascism, legal violence and death penalty. 这一部分首先讨论了加缪荒谬哲学在其反法西斯主义思想中的体现;
Absurdity is the main concept from which Camus started his philosophy. 荒诞是加缪哲学的起始概念和核心概念。
The Absurd is the first and the most important theme of Camus 'work. 荒诞是加缪创作的第一主题,也是加缪作品中最重要的主题。
Jean-Paul Sartre and Albert Camus, as the main representatives of existentialism, put forward many ideas which influenced the whole western culture, literature and art, and the society, the time. 作为存在主义哲学的主要代表人物,让-保罗?萨特和阿尔伯特?加缪提出了许多观点,影响了整个西方文化、文艺以及社会和时代。