The show includes canvases by masters like Carpaccio, Canaletto and Guardi. 画展上有卡尔帕乔、卡纳莱托和瓜尔迪等大师们的油画作品。
Are there any Canaletto canvases gathering dust in the back of your cupboards? 你衣柜后面有积了灰尘的卡纳莱托的油画吗?
The Great Venetian Painter Canaletto 威尼斯的伟大画家卡纳莱托
Here, Canaletto was fortunate. 在这一点上,卡纳莱托是幸运的。
But he also depicts of man, painting at his easel, staring at this wall, and this is Canaletto, the most celebrated painter of Venice. 但他也会描绘人物,如画面中对着墙在画架上作画的著名威尼斯画家加纳莱托。
Canaletto: Italian painter noted for his detailed and precisely proportioned views of Venice. 卡纳莱托:意大利画家,以其对威尼斯精细且精确的描绘而出名。