Thanks to its famous great fire and history of gangsters and underworld criminals like Al Capone, Chicago has developed quite a reputation for being haunted. 芝加哥发展出闹鬼的名声,要归功于它那场著名的大火,以及黑帮和艾尔·卡彭。这种黑帮匪徒的历史。
He is part of the Irish Mafia in Chicago in the early1930s who were closely associated with Al Capone and his rackets. 片中保罗纽曼饰演三十年代初芝加哥的爱尔兰黑帮,他与卡邦及其党羽有著密切关系。
I want to take the battle to him. I want to hurt capone. 我要开始战斗,我要打击卡彭。
You will head a team of elite agents as you battle against the notorious Al Capone. 你将领导一队精锐小分队去和声名狼籍的艾勒·凯波尼抗争。
I have to make Capone give up connor. 我必须让卡彭放弃康纳。
The HSBC case has renewed hopes that the fight against organised crime can be won using "Ninja accountants" who will drain its lifeblood with spreadsheets as happened to Al Capone, who was imprisoned on tax evasion charges. 汇丰案件使人们重燃希望:打击有组织犯罪可以借助为电子表格殚精竭虑的“忍者会计师”获胜正如因被控逃税而入狱的阿尔卡彭(a.capone)的遭遇那样。
And one of them is still al capone. 教父艾尔卡邦就是其中之一。
They finally nailed Capone for tax evasion. 他们最终揭穿了卡彭逃税一事。
Corleone was one of the biggest Mafia men in the country with more political connections than Capone had ever had. 考利昂是最大的黑帮头目之一,他在政界的后门比任何神通广大的政客还要多。
This man can finger al capone, put him behind bars. 这个人可指证卡彭,使卡彭入狱。
You look like AL Capone in that suit. 你穿那件衣服看上去像只阉鸡。
Chicago's most famous figure before the 1980s was the gangster, Al "Scar-face" Capone. 20世纪80年代以前,芝加哥最著名的人物是歹徒“疤面”艾尔·卡彭。