The average ratio of reflectivity of Carex lasiocarpa wetland is21. 毛果苔草湿地反射率平均为21。
A review: seeds dormancy and germination of genus Carex speices 苔草属植物种子休眠与萌发研究现状
Carex kobomugi is an important biological species resource with versatile uses. 筛草是一种重要的生物物种资源,其用途广泛。
Study on Seeds Germination Traits of 28 Carex species any sedge of the genus Eriophorum; north temperate bog plants with tufted spikes. 28种苔草属植物种子发芽特性研究(简报)羊胡子草属中的任何一种苔草;生长于北温带沼泽的一种植物,具有簇状的穗。
Dynamic changes in morphological and physiological characteristics and above-ground nutrients of Carex thunbergii after light grazing 轻度放牧后陌上菅形态和生理特征及地上部分营养成分的动态
Research Advance in the Exploitation and Utilization of Carex Kobomugi 资源植物&筛草开发利用的研究进展
Restoration dynamics after waterlogging of Carex thunbergii on leaf physiological indexes and above-ground nutritions 陌上菅水淹后叶生理指标及地上部分营养成分恢复动态
Growth responses of Carex lasiocarpa to different water regimes and hydrologic experience were studied in seedling transplant and water control experiments. 通过幼苗移植、水位控制试验,研究毛苔草对不同水文情势的生长响应,以及不同水文经历下的响应差别。
The Survey about Nature Resource and the Comparison on Turf Character of Carex in Shanxi Province 山西省野生苔草属植物资源调查及坪用性状比较
With the increase of wetland water, the primary production of wetland ecosystem increased, the order of biomass of living plant being Carex meyeriana co. 随着湿地水分的恢复和增加,湿地生态系统的初级生产力提高。
Studies on the morphology and anatomy of leaves of Carex orbicularis 圆囊苔草叶片的形态解剖学研究
The transpiration rate, stomatal resistance, temperature of leaves of Carex meyeriana as well as photosynthetically available radiation ( PAR), air temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, atmospheric CO_2 concentration were determined. 对乌拉苔草叶片的蒸腾速率、气孔阻力、光合有效辐射、空气温度、叶片温度、相对湿度、风速及大气中CO2的体积分数等指标进行了测定。
Review of studies on the classification, application and material cycle of plants in genus Carex 苔草植物分类、利用及物质循环研究进展
The shoe pads, waist supports and mattess made by Carex meyeriana Kunth could keep warm, acesodyne and have antibacterial activities. 以乌拉草为主要原料制成的鞋垫、护腰和床垫等,具有祛寒除湿、活络止痛、抗菌等功效,适于脚癣的预防和治疗。
Diurnal Variation of Transpiration Rate of Carex meyeriana and Its Relationship with Environmental Factors under Different Water Conditions 不同积水处理下乌拉苔草蒸腾速率日变化及其与环境因子的关系
New material of Carex section rhomboidales from china ( 2) 中国苔草属菱形果组新资料(2)
It was found that curve of diurnal changes of light use efficiency of four plants tended to "double peaks", but the curve of Carex korshinskyi was differed from the others. 分析结果表明四种植物光能利用效率的日动态都呈峰值明显的双峰型曲线,黄囊苔草光能利用效率的日动态明显不同于其它三种高大禾草;
It is concluded that genus Carex is a kind of new lawn plant resource. 所以,苔草属植物作为一类新的草坪资源,具有广阔的应用前景。
Some methods for stimulating germination of Carex seeds 打破苔草种子休眠方法的研究
The Resource and Distribution of carex. in Shanxi Province 山西苔草品种资源及分布
Seasonal Changes of Substances Related with Cold Resistance in Carex atrofusca in Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau 青藏高原黑褐苔草的抗寒性物质季节变化动态研究
The researches on taxonomic evolution, forage, greening, medicine and material cycle of the plant of Carex were reviewed and discussed. 对苔草属植物的分类进化、牧草饲料、环境绿化美化、药用以及物质循环等方面的研究进行了综述和讨论。
The contents of soil organic C and N and microbial biomass N and P in 0~ 10 cm layer were the highest in Carex spp. 土壤表层有机碳、全氮、微生物量氮、微生物量磷的含量,湖草洲滩地垦殖水田芦苇洲滩地。
The results showed that during the pre-breeding period the wild White-naped Cranes have strong selection to the feeding habitats, they preferred to feed in the carex marsh with less human activity ( 1.67 km), closing to open water ( 21.0 m), and better shelter; 结果表明,繁殖前期,野生白枕鹤繁殖对觅食生境选择具有严格要求,倾向于选择人为活动较少(1.67km)、靠近明水面(21.0m)、剩余苇丛隐蔽度较高的苔草沼泽生境中觅食;
The number of the plants species decreases and then increases with an increase of the distance from the bank, of which in Carex appendiculata formation was high, and in Leymus chinensis formation was low. 植物种类数量随距河岸距离的增加先减少,后增加,其中灰脉苔草群系种类数量最多,羊草群系最少。
The soil environment of the aquiculture ecosystem was very similar to that of the Carex marsh, indicating that natural restoration is the best approach to wetland restoration among the three types of "converting farmland to lake" ( CFTL) project. 恢复为自然水域后,水产养殖系统的土壤环境更接近于自然湿地系统,在三种退田还湖方式中恢复效果最好。