Cargill and other big companies without publicly traded equity file their results with the SEC but remain private. 多种经营公司Cargill和其他股票不公开交易的大公司都在向美国证券交易委员会上报业绩,但依然维持着私人控股的地位。
The greater need for transparency has already affected the way Cargill approaches growth in new markets. 外界提高了对透明性的要求,这一点已经影响了嘉吉公司应对新市场增长机会的方式。
The North American Export Grain Association, which includes ADM and Cargill, has called on seed companies to fully bear the risks and liabilities from selling their products. ADM和嘉吉公司都是北美谷物出口协会的成员。该协会呼吁种子公司在出售产品时承担全部风险和责任。
Cargill, one of the world's biggest agriculture companies, this week said China's rejections were a main factor behind a 28% decline in its latest quarterly earnings. 嘉吉公司是全球最大的农业公司之一。该公司本周表示,中国的拒收行为是造成该公司最近一个财季利润下滑28%的主要因素。
Cargill opened a Ukrainian operations base in 1991. 嘉吉1991年在乌克兰设立了运营基地。
A Cargill spokesperson said: At any given point in time Cargill is investigating a number of business opportunities. 嘉吉的发言人表示:嘉吉随时都在研判若干商业机遇。
The rebound in global agricultural trade comes as Cargill completes its "strategic intent 2010" plan to expand significantly down the supply chain. 全球农业贸易回升之际,嘉吉完成了“2010战略目标”计划,拟向供应链下游大幅扩展。
However this did not stop people from building very large, mission critical, systems-like the Cargill Lynx Project. 但是,这并不妨碍人们去构建大型的关键任务的系统,例如CargillLynx项目。
Cargill, in the image of its founders, has historically been a humble and low-key company. 传承于嘉吉创始者们,嘉吉百年历来是一个谦逊低调的公司。
S.Poultry behemoths like Smithfield, Tyson, and Cargill ship billions of undesirable chicken parts, especially feet, to China each year. 家禽巨头如史密斯菲德食品、泰森食品和嘉吉公司每年都把大量的不需要的鸡肉部分,尤其是鸡爪,运回中国。
Cargill leads a small group of companies that dominate flows of agricultural commodities. 在主宰农业大宗商品流动的为数不多的公司中,嘉吉名列前茅。
He walked on, sucking his cigar, and apparently in as abstracted a mood as Mr. Cargill himself ( Sir Walter Scott). 他边走边吸着他的雪茄,显然同卡吉尔先生一样已陷入沉思(沃尔特斯科特爵士)。
At Cargill, we see this as one of our responsibilities towards China. 在嘉吉,我们认为这是我们对中国的责任之一。
Cargill's annual trade value with China today exceeds us$ 3 billion. 嘉吉公司现在与中国的年贸易额超过30亿美元。
Hurstwood recognised cargill, the owner of the large stables in Chicago of the same name, whom he had last seen at avery hall, the night Carrie appeared there. 赫斯渥认出他是卡吉尔,芝加哥一家也叫做卡吉尔的大马厩的主人。他最后一次见到他是在阿佛莱会堂,那天晚上嘉莉在那里演出。
At the congressional briefing, Cargill's Devry Boughner made the business case that aid is in the company's and the country's long-term interest. 在国会简报会上,卡吉尔公司的德夫利。鲍夫纳以商业理由来说明援助符合公司和国家的长远利益。
The Diagnosis and Solution of Employees Engagement of Cargill Dongguan 东莞嘉吉公司员工敬业度的诊断和对策
Glencore is the largest trader in Russian wheat, followed by US-based rivals Cargill and Bunge. 嘉能可是俄罗斯小麦的最大交易商,紧随其后的是美国竞争对手嘉吉(cargill)和邦吉(bunge)。
During Expo, Cargill will be promoting the theme of Shanghai's World Expo not only in the city but also in the rural areas. 嘉吉参与世博会,不仅要在城市中推广,也要在农村地区推广世博会的“城市让生活更美好”的理念。
Still no sign of captain cargill's command. 仍不见贾上尉的部属来。
Gregory Page, Cargill chief executive, says that global economic growth in the 2010-2020 period would be above the 1990s average, but below the rate of the 2000s, which was supercharged by the liquidity spree. 嘉吉首席执行官彭国瑞(GregoryPage)表示,在2010-2020年期间,全球经济增长率将高于1990-2000年的平均水平,但会低于2000-2010年期间受流动性热潮强劲推动的增长水平。
Last month, I attended the closing ceremony of our rural education project promoted by Cargill and China Children's Fund in Beijing. 上个月,我在北京参加了由嘉吉和中国儿童少年基金共同发起的农村教育项目的闭幕式。
Cargill would scrap businesses where it had a small presence and invest where we could be an industry leader, Mr MacLennan said. 麦克伦南表示,嘉吉将剥离其地盘较小的业务,并投资于我们能够成为行业领袖的领域。
That is not to say the Butterball corporation, which took over the plant from Cargill in2006, does not have to confront such issues. 那并不意味着于2006年从嘉吉公司接手的巴特伯公司就不必面对这些问题。
Exemplifying the 600 kt/ a plant established in Yunan Three Circle and Sino Chem Cargill Fertilizer Corp., designed by Yunan Chemical Designing Institute, the process is proved a success and an optimum in China. 并介绍云南化工设计院设计的云南三环中化嘉吉化肥公司60万t/a磷铵装置,实践表明:该工艺是可国产化的大型磷铵装置的最佳工艺。
The organizational structure of world processing industry is mainly guided by multinational corporations including ADM, Bunge, Cargill, and Louis Dreyfus. These corporations control more than 70% of global soybean supply. 世界大豆产业的组织结构是由国际跨国公司主导的。这些跨国公司包括美国ADM,美国邦基,美国嘉吉,法国路易达夫,他们控制着全球70%以上的大豆货源。