Other tips from Lady Carnarvon, whose husband the 8th Earl of Carnarvon owns Highclere, near Newbury in Berkshire, include butlers wearing white gloves to keep fingerprints off the glasses. 海克利尔城堡位于伯克郡纽伯里附近,卡那封夫人的丈夫是这座城堡的现任主人第八代伯爵。她还给我们别的建议,其中包括男管家要戴白手套,以防指纹弄脏玻璃杯。
He had received money from Lord Carnarvon, a British man who was very interested in Egypt. 此次探险之前,他得到了卡那封勋爵的资助。卡那封勋爵是英国人,他对埃及非常感兴趣。
The unexpected death of Lord Carnarvon, who led the exploration of the tomb, propelled the curse story onto the front pages of newspapers around the world. 率领挖掘陵墓的卡纳文勋爵的猝死,更将此诅咒传说推上全球报纸的头版。