The Carolingian Renaissance was a significant period in the development of the civilization in the Mid-Ages. 加洛林文艺复兴是中世纪文明发展史上的一个重要阶段。
A vertical element marking the crossing on the exterior of churches, beginning with the Carolingian period and thereafter. 一种表现教堂外立面交叉特征的垂直方向上的要素,自卡洛林王朝时代开始运用。
In short, Carolingian Renaissance bridged the preceding and the following, and laid a solid foundation for the subsequent renaissance. 在西欧文化史中,“加洛林文艺复兴”所扮演的承上启下的作用,为欧洲以后的复兴奠定了坚实的基础。
The Carolingian empire was considered a rebirth of the culture of the Roman Empire. 他统治下的加洛林王朝被认为是罗马文明的重生。
The result of Charlemagne's efforts is ususlly called the "Carolingian Renaissance". 查理一世的种种努力创造了欧洲历史上重要的“加洛林文艺复兴”。
Under Pippin's son Charlemagne, the Carolingian realm was extended into Germany and Italy. 其子查理曼征服整个高卢,并把势力延伸到日耳曼及意大利。
The Carolingian historians inherited original paradigm of the genre and made some improvements in order to meet the requirements of new era. 加洛林史家在继承该体裁原有写作范式的基础上,对这种体裁形式进行了某些改良,以合乎新的时代要求。
Chapter three introduces four representative figures of Carolingian family who lived in the period of the rise of the family. From their lives, we can see the power of the family became stronger and stronger. 第三部分介绍加洛林家族崛起过程中的四个代表人物,从他们的生平中我们可以看到加洛林家族的逐渐强大。
Charlemagne ( 742-814) was a Kingdom of Frankish Carolingian. He was the most famous historical figures in the beginning of Europe feudal society. 查理大帝(742-814年)是法兰克王国加洛林王朝的一位君主,他是欧洲封建社会初期最著名的历史人物。
He founded the first empire in Western Europe after the fall of Rome, and his court at Aix-la-Chapelle was a center of classical learning and a focus of the Carolingian Renaissance. 在西罗马帝国灭亡之后,查理大帝建立了西欧的第一个帝国。他在艾克斯拉沙佩勒的宫廷是一个经典的学术中心,也是加洛林文艺复兴的焦点。
Charlemagne implemented a series of policies and measures and caused Carolingian Renaissance. 查理大帝时代之所以会出现加洛林文艺复兴,是与查理大帝所倡导的一系列政策和措施分不开的。
The rise of the Carolingian family is not only usurpation, but also a progress that barbarians absorb and change the civilization of Roma. Under the comprehensive function of social environment, the western Christian civilization formed. 结语部分对全文做出小结:加洛林家族的崛起不仅仅是一次篡权,而是日耳曼民族对罗马文化的吸收和改变,在社会大环境的综合作用下,西方基督教文明就此形成。