Carruthers had been gored by a rhinoceros 卡拉瑟斯被犀牛顶伤了。
Whatever the perceived risks, Mr Carruthers was a regular visitor to the US, seeking influence in a debate joined by US Congressional Republicans about strengthening existing but incoherent anti-gambling law. 尽管已知存在风险,卡拉瑟斯还是定期去美国,力图在一场有共和党国会议员参与的争论中施加影响。这场辩论的内容是关于加强虽已存在但缺乏一致性的反赌博法。
According to his lawyer, Mr Carruthers now faces up to 20 years in prison. 律师表示,卡鲁瑟斯现在面临最长20年的监禁。
Mr Carruthers attracts no little sympathy in a dazed industry. 在这个令人眼花缭乱的行业里,卡拉瑟斯博取到不少同情。
The company explained it had been unable to speak to Scottish-born Mr Carruthers, who pleaded not guilty to the charges this week. 该公司解释说,一直无法和卡拉瑟斯取得联系。出生在苏格兰的卡拉瑟斯本周进行了无罪辩护。
The prospects of accessing far greater numbers of gamblers via the internet needed experienced betting hands such as Mr Carruthers. 要通过互联网获得更为众多的赌徒,像卡拉瑟斯这类赌博老手的经验是必须的。
Some believe Mr Carruthers will end up with a petty misdemeanour charge or a fine. 有些人认为,卡拉瑟斯最终可能受到行为不端的轻罪指控,或判罚一笔罚款。
Mr Carruthers was brought in to take BetonSports to market. 卡拉瑟斯的任务,就是把betonsports推向市场。