Babylon has no ideal; Carthage has no ideal. 巴比伦没有理想,迦太基也没有。
Barcelona was founded by the Carthaginians and its name is derived from the great Barca family of ancient Carthage. 这座城市由迦太基人建立,它的名字是从古迦太基的巴塞家族衍生而来的。
Carthage, where the exiles had now arrived, was a spot on the coast of Africa opposite Sicily. 那些离乡背井的人到达西西里岛对面的非洲海岸上一个叫迦太基的地方。
The carthage eagles* higher and stronger than ever. 迦太基雄鹰,更高更强。
He considered it to be his greatest work, Dido Building Carthage, but on condition, that it was shown next to this painting by Claude Lorrain, his great artistic hero. 透纳认为这幅《狄多建设迦太基》是他最杰出的作品,但捐赠有个条件,就是要挂在他心目中的艺术大英雄克劳德•洛兰所作的这幅画旁边。
An ancient city on the north coast of Africa ( northwest of Carthage); destroyed by Arabs around 700 AD. 非洲北部的一古代城市,靠地中海西北;于公元年左右被阿拉伯人摧毁。
Rome and not Carthage was to be the mistress of the world. 称霸世界的,是罗马而不是迦太基。
Yeah, I know more about ancient Carthage than Hannibal himself. 是啊,我对古迦太基的了解,比汉尼拔他自己还多。
Soon Carthage must destroy Rome or be destroyed by her. 不久,迦太基一定要消灭罗马,或者被罗马消灭。
Rome, Carthage and Athens were some of the great city-states of the ancient world. 罗马、迦太基和雅典是古代几个强大的城邦。
In197 he returned to Carthage, where he married and became a presbyter of the church. 在197他返回迦太基,在那里他已婚,并成为长老教会。
The greatest threat that Rome has known since carthage. 罗马自迦太基以来最大的威胁。
But shouldn't the barbarians lose the battle of carthage? 不过,输了迦太基战役的,应该是异邦人吧?
First the Romans would gain a battle and then the men of Carthage would gain a battle; and so the war went on for many years. 最初,罗马人打了一个胜仗,后来迦太基人又占了上风,就这样战争延续了许多年。
Possibly one of the most Underestimated men in the Whole war between Rome and Carthage. 他可能是整个第二次布匿战争中最被低估的一个人。
It soon outgrew Carthage and became the largest city of the western world. 它很快取代了迦太基成为西方的第一大城市。
Updated and expanded faction following:-Carthage, Barbara, Greeks, Macedonians. 更新和扩充如下派系:-迦太基,蛮族,希腊,马其顿。
The catalogues of Hippo and Carthage are identical with the Catholic Canon of the present. 该目录的河马和迦太基是一致的,与天主教佳能的现在。
Carthage strove to keep hegemony in the Mediterranean. 迦太基此时已是地中海强国,力图保持在地中海的霸主地位。
Third Punic War-results in the eventual destruction of Carthage as a result of a war of aggression by Rome, eager to defeat its old adversary. 第三次迦太基战争-罗马渴望击败老对手,作为侵略的结果是迦太基的彻底破坏。
It is a greatest day in Carthage. 这是迦太基的一个重大节日。
BTW way, The Roman Gladius ( gladius mean short word in latin) is a copy of the Iberian sword used by the Spanish and by Carthage. 顺便说一下,罗马短剑是仿西班牙人和迦太基人使用的伊比利亚剑而成的。
The dialect of Phoenician spoken in ancient Carthage 古迦太基语古迦太基人所说的腓尼基方言
The Phoenician dialect of ancient Carthage. 古代枷太基的腓利基语方言。
The people of Carthage are afraid, and well they may be. 迦太基人害怕了,他们的害怕是有道理的。
A Contest in Strategy, Polity, and Culture: Rome and Carthage during the Second Punic War 战略、制度和文化的较量&第二次布匿战争中的罗马与迦太基
But if we go that far back into the past, we have to start talking about the war between Rome and Carthage, or the British-Spanish naval war. 但是,如果我们追溯到久远的从前,就得开始谈论罗马和迦太基之间的战争、或者是英国和西班牙的海战。
Through the three Punic Wars, Rome defeated Carthage and became an unparalleled strong county in the Mediterranean. 经过三次布匿战争,罗马彻底打败迦太基,成为地中海无与伦比的强国。