Mediated by the United Nations, the European Union, and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, the talks focused on the security and humanitarian situation in the Caucasus. 由联合国、欧洲联盟和欧洲安全与合作组织所调停的这项会谈着重讨论高加索地区的安全和人道情势。
Aremenia is a landlocked country in the southern Caucasus, between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea. 亚美尼亚是一个在高加索山脉南边的一个内陆国家,处于黑海和里海之间。
Georgia is situated to the east of the Black Sea in the southern Caucasus. 克鲁吉亚位于黑海东部,高加索山南部。
Russia has issued a blunt challenge to the west to stay out of its Caucasus backyard. 俄罗斯直截了当地向西方发难,要它们远离俄罗斯的高加索后院。
Remember this. And with the permission of Allah we will liberate Chechnya and all the Caucasus. 记住,在真主的允许下,我们将解放车臣和整个高加索。
Traditional sheep cheeses are found in the Northern Caucasus. 在北高加索地区,还有的绵羊奶酪。
The U.S. position is feeding growing fears in Eastern Europe and the Caucasus region that Washington and the European Union eventually will adapt to a Russian absorption of Crimea, if not Ukraine as a whole. 考虑到美国的这一态度,东欧和高加索地区越来越担心这样一个后果:只要俄罗斯没有并吞乌克兰整个国家,华盛顿和欧盟最终会适应俄罗斯对克里米亚的兼并。
Evergreen tree of the Caucasus and Asia Minor used as an ornamental having pendulous branchlets. 高加索和小亚细亚的一种常绿树种,树枝下垂,装饰用。
But, in practice, millions of illegal migrants from Central Asia and the Caucasus work in low-paid jobs. 但实际上,数以百万计的非法移民正从中亚和高加索地区涌来,从事各种低收入的工作。
Win the Caucasus for the Russian tsar, gain fame and wealth and titles? 高加索地区的俄罗斯沙皇赢,赢得名利与职称?
Declaration on Peace, Security and Cooperation in the Caucasus Region 高加索区域和平、安全与合作宣言
Some regard Georgia and the Caucasus as small, faraway and so unimportant. 有些方面,格鲁吉亚和高加索地区的小,远,因此不重要。
Ubiquitous in all but very acid soil; most of Europe ( except Arctic Caucasus) and North Africa. 在除酸性土壤以外的土壤中普遍生长;生长在欧洲大部(北极的高加索地区除外)和北非。
But we were going to the caucasus! 而且我们要去高加索山脉!
Video images showed several men from Central Asia and the Caucasus walking dazed with bloody faces. 从监控录像中可以看到数名中亚及高加索的人神智不清满脸是血地在行走。
The Asian continent lies to the east of the Suez Canal and the Ural Mountains and to the south of the Caucasus Mountains, the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea. 亚洲大陆位于苏伊士运河和乌拉尔山脉以东,高加索山脉、里海和黑海以南。
United Nations consolidated inter-agency appeal for caucasus; 联合国高加索问题机构间联合呼吁;
And it has raised the spectre of unrest across the whole of the North Caucasus. 而且,它增加了北高加索地区的动荡程度。
Second, he imposed peace in Chechnya and across the north Caucasus. 第二,他给车臣和北高加索强行带去了和平。
A constituent republic of southeast European the Caucasus on the Black Sea. 格鲁吉亚共和国黑海高加索地区的东南欧苏维埃社会主义共和国联盟的一个有制宪权的共和国。
Few parts of the world have as miserable a history as the north Caucasus ( see article). 世界上很少有地方有与北高加索地区相提并论的悲惨历史。
If instability in the Caucasus scares off European investors, that could create more space for the Chinese. 如果高加索地区的不稳定局势吓退欧洲投资者,这可能会给中国创造更多空间。
And the crisis which started in the caucasus. 而在高加索开始的危机。
Have been deployed near the Caucasus since the beginning of the crisis. 从危机一开始就在高加索区部署。
The strategic importance of Outer Caucasus determines the rivalry over this region between the United States and Russia will continue. 外高加索地区的战略重要性决定了美俄之间的角逐将会持续下去。
The risk of further international spread of the ongoing polio outbreak in Central Asia and the North Caucasus Federal Region in Russia continues to be high. 中亚和俄罗斯北高加索联邦区正在发生脊灰疫情,这次疫情进一步出现国际传播的危险仍然很高。
Ciscaucasia: steppeland of southeast European U.S.S.R. in the Caucasus north of the main range of the Caucasus Mountains. 内高加索,北高加索:苏联欧洲部分东南部高加索地区的干旷草原,位于高加索山脉主脉以北。
A member of a Caucasian people living in the Caucasus but not speaking an Indo-European language. 居住在高加索山脉但是不说印欧语言的高加索民族的人。
Few Russians outside the north Caucasus pay attention to the violence in the region. 生活在北高加索区之外的俄罗斯人,没几个会关心那儿的暴力问题。