The CFTC has never explained why it did not name the trader publicly. CFTC至今也未解释为何没有公开这名交易员的名字。
The C.F.T.C.currently supervises the market for financial contracts known as futures while the S.E.C.regulates securities markets. 目前,CFTC监管金融合约期货市场,而SEC监管证券市场。
However, the CFTC has faced heavy resistance from banks over its implementation. 然而,cftc在进行执法时,遭到了多家银行的强烈抵制。
Gary Gensler, CFTC chairman, has made the reform a priority after lawmakers complained that speculators last year inflated the price of oil and other commodities. 由于美国议员指责投机者去年抬高了石油和其它大宗商品的价格,cftc主席加里詹斯勒(garygensler)把相关改革作为当务之急。
But the big uncertainty now is the SEC and CFTC. 但目前最大的不确定性在于美国证交会和商品期货交易委员会。
Through effective oversight, the CFTC enables the futures markets to serve the important function of providing a means for price discovery and offsetting price risk. 通过有效的监督,商品期货交易委员会使期货市场服务的重要职能,提供了一种手段,价格发现和弥补价格风险。
In theory, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission and the Securities& Exchange Commission are considering whether to impose more price limits on exchanges. 在理论上,美国商品期货交易委员会(cftc)和证券交易委员会(sec)正在考虑是否在交易所实施更多价格限制。
The CFTC is the Commodity Futures Trading Commission and it regulates our futures markets. 美国期货交易委员会,监管着期货市场。
He recommended that the CFTC require additional delivery points for commodities to prevent possible market manipulation. 他建议CFTC规定更多的商品交货点,以避免可能出现的市场操控。
The order found that this conduct violates anti-fraud and false reporting provisions of the Commodity Exchange Act ( CEA) and CFTC regulations. 该命令发现,这种行为违反了反诈骗和虚假申报的商品交易法(CEA)和商品期货交易委员会法规的规定。
The Office of the Executive Director formulates and implements the management and administrative functions of the CFTC and the agency's budget. 该办公室执行主任制定和实施的管理和行政职能的商品期货交易委员会和该机构的预算。
Lee settles CFTC charges of mis-marking and mis-valuing the Bank's natural gas options book to exaggerate trading profitability; court also bans Lee from commodity-related trading. 李沉淀CFTC的指控错误标记和错误估价银行的天然气期权交易书,夸大盈利,法院还禁止与商品有关的贸易李。
The Commodity Futures Trading Commission, the US futures markets watchdog, rejected the CME's claim that a futures contract offered by ELX, a smaller rival, was illegal. CME主张,其规模较小的竞争对手ELX提供的一种期货合约不合法。但美国期货市场监管机构&商品期货交易委员会(CFTC)拒绝接受这一主张。
It also said it had asked its staff to start a thorough analysis of antitrust issues raised by both exchanges 'claims. CFTC还表示,它已要求其工作人员对上述两家交易所主张中提及的反垄断问题展开全面分析。
The act has allowed the CFTC to be more open to foreign co-operation much earlier than the SEC. 该法案使得CFTC在跨国合作问题上比证交会持更开放态度。
US politicians have complained traders used the London-based WTI contract to bypass the CFTC. 美国政界人士一直抱怨交易员利用基于伦敦的WTI合约来规避CFTC的监管。
The FSA, CFTC, DoJ and UBS declined to comment. FSA、CFTC、美国司法部以及瑞银拒绝置评。
CFTC weekly commit of traders report suggested traditional funds reduced their net corn and soybean longs last week. CFTC每周市场报告暗示了上周传统基金减少了他们所持的玉米和大豆净多头寸。
The Commodity Futures Trading Commission, the main regulator of commodity markets, told the US Congress yesterday that it was imposing "enhanced control" on dealing by Wall Street banks and forcing them to publish new data on their positions. 美国大宗商品市场主要监管机构商品期货交易委员会(commodityfuturestradingcommission,简称cftc)昨日告诉美国国会,将对华尔街银行的交易“加强控制”,并迫使它们就自己的交易头寸公布最新数据。
Not helping matters is the fact that the CFTC and SEC are taking different approaches towards writing the rules. 于事无补的是,cftc和sec在细则编写上的方法各不相同。
The CFTC said: "the investigation has not reached its conclusion". cftc表示:“调查尚未做出结论”。
If you did not find what you are looking for, you may have entered the name incorrectly or you may be dealing with an individual or firm not registered with the CFTC and not an NFA member. 如果您没有找到您正在寻找的,你可能已经进入的名称不正确,或你可能与一个人或不符合CFTC和NFA的成员不是注册的事务所处理。
However, the CFTC last month reaffirmed its co-action letters and reiterated its pragmatic and dynamic approach to regulation. 然而,CFTC上月再度肯定了其合作宣言,并重申其积极务实的监管方式。
The Federal regulatory agency established by the CFTC Act of1974 to administer the Commodity Exchange Act. 依照美国1974年的CFTC法案成立的一个联邦管理机构,其任务是监督商品期货交易所法案的执行。
That would mean merging bodies such as the SEC and CFTC. 这意味着合并美国证交会和商品期货交易委员会(CFTC)等机构。
Congress recently approved legislation closing the co-called "Enron loophole" and giving greater authority to the CFTC to oversee over-the-counter derivatives markets. 国会在近期通过了封堵所谓“安然漏洞”(enronloophole)的法案,并授予cftc更大权力对衍生品柜台交易(over-the-counter)市场进行监管。
But in practice, SEC officials know they will need to share some oversight functions with the CFTC. 但证交会官员明白,在实际操作中,他们将需要与cftc分担某些监管职能。