Then came the Manchus, who set up the Ch'ing dynasty. 然后满洲人来了,建立清朝。
Reconciling this picture with the real military achievements of the Ming and Ch'ing dynasties is one of the more difficult tasks attempted here. 本书的意图之一,就在于将这样的光景与明朝和清朝真实的军事成就调和起来,难度可想而知。
The open attitude of folk people toward the new art took a very important role against the tradition society in Ming and Ch'ing. 民间积极接受和吸收外来艺术的态度,在传统思想统治下的明清社会,是非常难得的。
The Ch'ing government censured activities of secret sects to violate traditional ethics, and to damage social custom. 官方指责其行径为「男女杂处」、「廉耻丧尽」、「风俗之大害」,违背传统道德伦常,破坏淳美的社会风气。
Study of Protestant Women Medical Missionaries 'Activities in China in Late Ch'ing Dynasty and Early Republica of China 清末民初新教女医学传教士在华活动研究
The western painting came into China in Ming and Ch'ing dynasty, and had close touch with Chinese folk people. 明清之际,西洋绘画传入中国,并通过各种途径,在民间得到了广泛的传播。
During the Ch'ing dynasty k'ao-cheng scholars advocated a program to reconstruct missing sources from antiquity. 在清代,考据学者倡导重建古代佚散文献的计划。
This paper, by focusing on elementary education in Hui-chou from the Sung to mid Ch'ing dynasties, examines the development of Chinese society in the late imperial period. 本文主要是透过研究徽州的地方初级教育,了解从宋到清中叶中国社会的发展。
In chapter 1, the dissertation mainly probes into the beginning and the development footprint of local government's basic function transformation under the current political situation changes in late Ch'ing China. 第一章:时局变迁与地方政府的职能转变。主要探讨晚清地方政府职能转变的开始和深入发展的轨迹。
The fundamental reason is that the troops of England wanted to strike the most strongly at the emperor of the Ch'ing and his government and leave the retaliate marks behind so that the emperor could become more obedient and soft to them. 英军焚毁圆明园的最根本原因,是要对清帝及清政府进行最严厉的精神打击,并留下报复的痕迹,使之对外国人更加驯服。
The conclusion mainly discusses the influences that the spirit of statecraft made to the Study of History and Geography of Northwest China in Late Ch'ing Dynasty, and points its defects. 在结语中,主要就经世致用精神对晚清西北史地学的影响进行了论述,并且阐述了晚清西北史地学存在的不足。
This article, through the research about the judicial operation under the Suzerain-Vassal relationships between Ch'ing Dynasty and Korea during the earlier and middle period in the Ch'ing dynasty, studies the traditional Suzerain-Vassal Relationships politics and promulgates the legal system connotation which this system reflected. 本文通过对清代中前期中朝宗藩关系下司法运作演变的探讨,对这一传统的政治体制进行研究,从中揭示出这一体制所反映出的法律内涵。
In the late Ch'ing period enlightened persons expounded many precious ideas and suggestion about how to exploit Northwest China, which made the ideology of developing the northwest area reach a new stage. 晚清开明人士从内忧外患的社会背景出发,对开发西北地区阐发了许多珍贵思想和建议,使晚清时对西北地区的开发思想达到了一个新的阶段。
The relation between the Group of Seven Poets in the Ming Dynasty and Wang Yu-yang in the early Ch'ing dynasty remains a mystery in the history of Chinese literature. 明代七子派与清初王渔洋之间的传承关系是文学史上的一桩公案,前人有清秀李于麟之说。
Study on the Ming and Ch'ing Tributary System 明清朝贡制度研究
Communicating and Mingling of Elites with Businessmen in Beijing Guild Halls of Ch'ing Dynasty and its Political Attribute 清代北京会馆的政治属性与士商交融
Confucianism of the Ch'ing dynasty expressed fairly strong sense of criticism and academic independence, constituting the fourth theoretical form of Confucianism. 清代儒学表现出较强的批判意识和学术独立的意识,构成儒学的第四个理论形态。
In the opinion of the author, the rise of the Study of History and Geography of Northwest China in Late Ch'ing Dynasty is an inexorable trend of historical and scientific development. 本章认为,晚清西北史地学的兴起是历史和学术发展的必然趋势,是符合社会发展需要的。
The diplomatic relationships among Ch'ing Dynasty Japan and Korea always are sensitive topic in the east history of Asia diplomatic relationships, even to this day the diplomatic relationships among Ch'ing Dynasty Japan and Korea remains an sensitive nerve to east Asia or even to situation of the world. 中、日、韩三国关系历来是东亚关系史上的敏感话题,时至今日,中、日、韩关系仍然是左右着东亚地区甚至世界局势的敏感神经。
It can be proved from the following aspects: the disintegration of the structure of the upper-class led to the revolutionary change of the Ch'ing government in system; 这可以从以下几方面得到证明:上层社会结构的分化使清政府在体制内发生了革命性的变化;