He had a grin on his face like a Cheshire Cat. 他咧着嘴笑呵呵的。
I remember being on the church steps grinning like a Cheshire cat, when you said how dashing and handsome I looked in my uniform. 我记得我们站在教堂的台阶上,开心得像一对甜蜜的鸳鸯,你还说我穿着制服多么英武俊朗。
He did not say anything, but just looked at me and grinned like a Cheshire cat. 他什么都不说,只是望着我咧着嘴傻笑。
'Cheshire Puss,'she began, rather timidly, as she did not at all know whether it would like the name: however, it only grinned a little wider. “柴郡猫,”她胆怯地说。还不知道它喜欢不喜欢这个名字,可是,它的嘴笑得咧开了。
Paul Cheshire of the LSE even argues that these policies have made houses more similar to art or gold than to humble dwellings. 伦敦政治经济学院的保罗切希尔(PaulCheshire)甚至提出,这些政策使房子变得更类似于艺术品或黄金,而非普通居所。
'It's a friend of mine& a Cheshire Cat,'said Alice. 它是我的朋友&一只切舍猫,爱丽丝说。
To this, Prof Cheshire offers a powerful response. 切希尔教授对此提出了一个有力的回应。
You can smile, but not like the Cheshire cat – we want eye contact and an expression that is alert. 你可以微笑,但绝不能像柴郡猫一样龇牙咧嘴&我们需要眼神的交流,并且表情要醒目。
Mary's father had "a cushy number in Cairo", but her schoolteacher mother was evacuated from the Blitz in Liverpool, first to Cheshire and then to north Wales. 玛丽的父亲“在卡罗有份舒适的工作”,但她任职学校老师的母亲却在对利物浦的大轰炸中被撤离,先到了柴郡,然后到北威尔士。
I've got bread, sausage and Cheshire cheese. 这儿有面包,香肠和柴郡干酪。
Peter Addison, of Heaton Mersey, Stockport, and his friend Mark Ridgeway of Poynton, Cheshire, smashed crockery and let off fire extinguishers. 彼得·艾迪生来自斯托克波特的希顿默西,他的朋友马克·里奇韦来自柴郡的伯顿,两人砸坏了营地的陶器,还把灭火器都打开了。
When Alice meets the Cheshire cat, she says that she's seen a cat without a smile but never a smile without a cat. 应该将“微笑”的“微”字去掉。因为,小说里的艾丽丝的确是说她没有见过会笑的猫。
` It's a friend of mine& a Cheshire Cat, 'said Alice:` allow me to introduce it.' 请允许我介绍,这是我的朋友&柴郡猫。爱丽丝说。
The two were detained but not charged and Cheshire Constabulary issued an apology yesterday, saying that the handcuffing "was less than a proportionate reaction". 昨天他们两个被拘留但没有遭受起诉,并且柴郡的警察向他们提出道歉,说上手铐“是个不必要的行为”。
Retail-led schemes from Dumfries in Scotland to well-heeled Chester in Cheshire and Newport, Wales, have recently been put on hold by their developers. 从苏格兰邓弗里斯,到富有的柴郡切斯特和威尔士纽波特,以零售为主导的商业地产计划最近已被开发商搁置。
Cheshire Cat: I can't help you if you don't even know who you are. 柴郡猫:如果你连自己是谁都不知道,我就帮不了你。
Moving from Toxteth to a "frightfully posh" part of Cheshire, her mother came "face to face with the British class structure". 从托迪斯搬到柴郡一个“使人害怕的豪华的”区域,她的母亲“与英国阶级结构打了个照面”。
Tim Atkinson from Sound Garden Designs in Cheshire said they do not sell the plant. 来自切舍的园艺设计师蒂姆?阿特金森(TimAtkinson)说他们并不会卖植物。
In Alice in Wonderland, the Cheshire Cat disappears and all we have left, the last thing that disappears, is the smile. 在《爱丽丝漫游仙境》里面,笑脸猫消失不见了而剩下的,最后一个东西,就是微笑。
The old blades charged off toward the lemonade booth and others took their places at the counter. I wish you would stop grinning like a Cheshire cat and try to be serious. 这两个老不正经的人迅速离开向柠檬水摊位那边去了,别的老头又来到柜台边。我希望你正经一点,不要老是嬉皮笑脸。
Cheshire Cat: Nothing was ever accomplished with tears. 柴郡猫:任何事情都不能靠眼泪去完成。
And the Cheshire cat was sitting in a tree and was smiling at everyone. 柴郡猫正坐在树上并且向每一个人微笑着。
I like laughing while praised by teacher, teased by schoolmate, so much as criticized, I also grin like a Cheshire cat. 我还是个爱笑的女孩,得到老师表扬了笑;被同学欺负了笑;甚至挨了批评还是一副笑嘻嘻的表情。
You look like the Cheshire cat. 你就像露齿嬉笑的猫。
Last year, Dawn Gibbins, chief executive of Barefoot Living, a flooring business, commissioned a feng shui survey of Congleton, the Cheshire town in which her business was based. 去年,地板公司BarefootLiving的首席执行官道恩•吉宾斯(DawnGibbins)委托对康格尔顿进行风水调查。这座位于柴郡的小镇是她公司总部所在地。
Poor little Tom only grinned like a Cheshire cat when he was scolded. 可怜的小汤姆被责骂的时候只会咧嘴傻笑。
I wish you'd stop grinning like a Cheshire cat and try to be serious. 我希望你不要再傻笑了,要认真严肃些。
The sphere, made by Sage Cheshire Aerospace in Lancaster, Calif., will be pressurized to8 pounds per square inch. 球体,由塞奇柴郡航天在兰卡斯特,加利福尼亚州,将加压至8磅每平方英寸。
Their proposals include cutting opening hours by16% and reducing staff and access to documents, some of which will be stored in a Cheshire salt mine. 其削减方案包括:减少16%的开馆时间,裁撤员工,减少文件查阅量(有些文件存放在柴郡盐矿中)。