SINEAD CHILTON: "A lot of time homeless children's families are in chaos and homework is the last thing that parents want to be worrying about." 奇尔顿:“很多时候,流浪儿童的家庭一片混乱,作业是家长们最不关心的问题。”
Sinead Chilton is marketing consultant for School on Wheels. 西尼德·奇尔顿是“车轮上的学校”的营销顾问。
Sinead Chilton says School on Wheels also helps parents to put their children in school and advises parents about the education system. 奇尔顿称,“车轮上的学校”还帮助家长们让孩子们入学,并给家长提供教育方面的建议。
In 2010, Bart Chilton, a CFTC commissioner, said that he believed there had been fraudulent efforts to deviously control the silver price. 2010年,CFTC的一名委员巴特•切尔顿(BartChilton)表示,他认为,市场上存在以欺诈手段不正当控制白银价格的做法。
Dr Chilton does enjoy his petty torments. 切尔顿医生真享受他得意的折磨。
In separate recent comments in Washington, Gen Chilton pointed out that "good defence requires offensive capabilities". 齐尔顿将军近期在华盛顿的另一次讲话中指出,“良好的防御要求具备进攻能力”。
He said Chilton investment had visited Chengdu and Chongqing this year and found many high-quality companies with limited access to capital. 他表示,chiltoninvestment今年访问了成都和重庆,发现了许多融资渠道有限的优质公司。
General Kevin Chilton, whose command is responsible for offensive and defensive cyber operations, said the military faces more than a million "hits" on its networks every day. 美国战略司令部负责网络攻防行动,凯文齐尔顿将军称,美国军方网络每天要面对逾100万次“试探”。
We can have a bored 16-year-old do damage to our networks, Gen Chilton told reporters. It is not just the nation state that you worry about. 说不定会有某个无所事事的16岁青少年损害我们的网络,齐尔顿将军告诉记者。我们担心的不只是国家。
Chilton investment is aiming to take the unusual step for a US hedge fund of opening an office in Western China as part of its expansion strategy in the country. 美国对冲基金chiltoninvestment正计划采取一项不同寻常的举措,在中国西部设立办事处,这是该公司在中国扩张战略的一部分。
Yesterday, General Kevin Chilton, head of Strategic Command, which is responsible for the US nuclear arsenal, said China's increased capability would not alter the US nuclear posture. 昨日,负责美国核武器库的战略司令部司令凯文•希尔顿(KevinChilton)表示,中国核能力的提高不会改变美国在核问题上的姿态。
Bart Chilton, the commissioner most adamantly in favour of these limits, said the mooted rules actually err on the high side. 最坚定支持实行这些限制的CFTC委员巴特奇尔顿(BartChilton)表示,这些拟议中的规定实际上偏向于宽松。
Gen Chilton declined to blame China but raised concerns about their potential to attack the US. 齐尔顿将军拒绝怪罪中国,但对中国攻击美国的潜力表示关切。
Turn it down then '. see what kind ofterms you get from chilton'. 拒绝我吧。看看您从切尔顿那里能得到什么条件。
I'm reassigning you to Chilton foliat. 我将你转调到奇顿佛列。
The Cognitive Linguistic Approach on Chilton s Time-Space Metaphor; Research of Monolingual Word Alignment Based on Feature Integration 对齐尔顿时空隐喻的认知语言学分析基于特征融合的单语词对齐方法研究
Are you with Dr chilton's group? 你是切尔顿医生一起的?
But in a rare dissident vote, Bart Chilton, one of the four CFTC commissioners, said the actions were insufficient. 但cftc4位委员之一巴特切尔顿(bartchilton)对此投了很少出现的反对票,他表示,这些举措还不够。
But in an interview with the Financial Times, Gen Chilton said there was a need to understand more, including satellite speed, direction and capabilities, the intentions of owners and why satellites were manoeuvring. 但齐尔顿将军在接受英国《金融时报》采访时表示,有必要了解更多信息,包括卫星的速度、方向、性能、拥有者的意图,以及操纵卫星的原因等。