The typical example of that is Long time no see ( Haven't seen you in a while), a Chinglish expression which has been included in English dictionaries. 典型的例子就是longtimenosee(好久不见),这句中式英文已被收录在了英语词典中。
Chinglish Wants to learn English spoken language to have to learn to useEnglish thought. 想学好英语口语就要学会用英语思维。
When chatting with my friends, I use Chinglish from time to time, it's funny. 当和朋友聊天时,我会时不时地使用中式英语,那很有趣。
'Yinwei ( because) next year Olympics come,'she said in our usual Chinglish style. 她用中式英语回答说,因为明年北京要开奥运会了。
I heard that you are supposed to give a lecture on "chinglish" tomorrow at8:00pm. 我听说明天下午8点你要做一个关于“中式英语”的演讲。
Chinglish in the Translation of Chinese-English Foreign Publicizing Materials and Strategies to Avoid it 对外宣传中的中式英语现象及其对策
This paper is a survey and evaluation of past research on China English, which is approached from three major issues: the definition of China English and its distinction with Chinglish; 文章就国内学术界对中国英语的研究进行综述和评价。主要从三个方面入手:中国英语的界定及其与中国式英语的区别;
This is a common expression in Chinese, but when directly translated to English, it becomes Chinglish. 这是中文常见的用语,但是若直接译成英文就会变成中式英文。
Here is a typical section of an essay that is written in Chinglish. 以下就是一个典型的中式英语文段。
Tentative Probe into Chinglish Writing Influenced by Different Modes of Thinking between Chinese and English 探析中西思维方式差异对中式英语写作的影响中西思维方式差异在英汉语言中的折射
As two vibrant tongues collide, the verbal gymnastics of Chinglish should be celebrated, GLM argued. GLM认为,当两种鲜活的语言碰撞时,中国式英语遣词造句的技巧应该值得庆祝。
Chinglish: It's was a familiar phenomenon in the feudatorial society. 那个在封建社会可是个常见的现象。
The Performance of Chinglish and Its Implications on English Teaching 中式英语的表现形式及对英语教学的启示
Chinglish in Chinese-English Translation and Negative Transfer 汉译英中的中式英语与汉语负迁移
In this paper, we will talk about Chinglish in English writing. 在这篇论文中,我们将会谈论英语写作中的汉语式英语。
The article mainly discussed chinglish, the cause of Chinglish and how to avoid Chinglish by means of corpus in Chinese-English translation teaching. 摘要本文主要探讨了中式英语、中式英语产生的原因及其对策,重点讨论了在汉译英教学中如何运用语料库来帮助克服中式英语。
A Study on Chinglish from the Perspective of Compensation Hypothesis and Its Implications to Foreign Language Teaching 从补缺假说的角度看汉式英语及对外语教学的启示
It is crucial to analyze the causes of Chinglish, or it would cause barriers and misunderstandings in communication. 如不正确认识它的形成原因,就会给英语语言习得造成一定障碍,并且阻碍跨文化交际的顺利实现。
Based on the present-day English learning and using in China, this paper explores the differences between Chinese English and Chinglish. 根据中国当前英语使用及学习的现状,本文探讨了中国英语与中国式英语的差异。
Chinglish in English Writing from the Use of "Make" 从动词make的使用看写作中的中式英语
The worst obstacle in natural writing is this: If you do this, you will never achieve a natural flow and your style of writing is "Chinglish", not English. 自然地写作最糟糕的障碍就是:如果你这样做(用中文的思维),你将会无法达到自然顺畅,而你写作的风格就会是中国式的英语,而不是纯正英语。
Wang, who has since become one of Beijing's leading Chinglish slayers. 这之后,她成了北京消除中式英语的领军人物之一。
He is particularly interested in the Chinglish he finds on a spate of signs, menus and the like in China. 他对在大量的招牌、菜单和中国的其他地方寻找发现中式英语有着特别的兴趣。
This paper offers examples of Chinglish to give a clear description of the features of Chinglish and analyzes the causes of Chinglish from both academic and practical aspect. 本文提供了大量汉式英语实例来呈现汉式英语的特点,并在理论和社会实际两方面阐明汉式英语产生的原因。
But sometimes the translators stick so much to the original words that Chinglish comes into being. 但有的时候,翻译工作者要面对的是那些新颖的中式英语词,这就是一个很大的麻烦了。
You think you can write something in English, maybe in good Grammer, but I have to say, what you said is very Chinglish and it's totally not a natural English. It's very hard to read. 你认为你可以写一些非常好的英语,或者用好的语法,但是我不得不说,你写的是非常中文式的,不是自然的英文,让人很难读顺畅。
By the end of this month, I shall have finished my research on Chinglish. 这月底,我将完成对中式英语的研究工作。
Analysis of Chinglish in Vocational Freshmen's English Learning 高职新生英语学习中的中式英语分析