This is the context in which President Chirac must decide his policy. 这是希拉克总统必须确定其政策的背景。
The Prime Minister played host to French Premier Jacques Chirac. 首相接待了法国总理雅克·希拉克。
Relations today between President Jacques Chirac of France and Prime Minister Tony Blair of Britain tell part of the story. 当今法国总统希拉克和英国首相布莱尔的关系就讲述了这个故事的一部分。
As regards the upcoming visits to China by former French officials that you mentioned, I think you are referring to former French President Chirac, former Prime Minister Raffarin and others. 你提到有法国前政要将于近期访华,可能你指的是法国前总统希拉克和前总理拉法兰等人。
French President Jacques Chirac ends his final full day in office Tuesday with an evening farewell speech to the nation that he has led for12 years. 法国总统希拉克于本周二结束了自己最后一天的工作,并于当晚向自己领导了12年的国家发表了告别演说。
In a joint statement, Japan's Premier Mori and French President Jacques Chirac said they accepted that many people were worried by the growing globalisation of the world economy. 在一份联合声明中,日本首相森喜朗和法国总统希拉克称他们认识到许多人对世界经济全球化的担忧。
After all that, Chirac cancelled, distracted by the outbreak of the Iraq war. 这番周折之后,由于伊拉克战争爆发的分心,希拉克取消了计划中的行程。
In October French President Jacques Chirac paid an official visit to China. 10月,法国总统希拉克来华正式访问。
Chirac congratulated him on getting his reforms adopted. 希拉克对施罗德国内议会通过了他的改革方案表示祝贺。
Mr Chirac's frequent hand-kissing notwithstanding, relations with France have cooled significantly. 尽管希拉克对她频频吻手示好,德法两国的关系仍然显著冷却。
Even president Jacques Chirac, said the team had made the country proud. 尽管希拉克总统,说球队令全国为以自豪。
By the way, I think Chirac is an easy-going and humorous guy. 顺便说一句,我认为希拉克是个平易近人、幽默的人。
The rage, in front of a Chirac, a Sharon, a Blair or a Bush. 愤怒吧,在希拉克,沙龙,布莱尔,和布什面前。
French President Jacques Chirac started a state visit to China Saturday. 从昨天起,法国总统希拉克对中国进行国事访问。
French President Jacques Chirac insisted that the arms embargo on China is not justified. 法国总统希拉克坚持对华武器禁运是不公正的。
If there is a French exception, Mr Chirac is its embodiment. 如果说,存在一个法国例外,希拉克就是其体现。
Mr Sarkozy will mark a distinct break with the Chirac era, not just in tone but in substance. 萨尔科齐先生将表明从本质上而非语调里与希拉克时代显著的决裂。
Tonight Bush is meeting with French President Jacques Chirac at the White House. 今晚他将在白宫会见法国总统希拉克。
To a standing ovation, French President Jacques Chirac stepped into the Great hall in high spirits. 法国总统希拉克在长时间的起立鼓掌声中神采奕奕地步入了大厅。
British Prime Minister Tony Blair supported the Iraq war despite French President Jacques Chirac speaking out against it. 英国首相托尼?布莱尔支持对伊开战,而法国总统雅克?希拉克持反对态度。
French President Chirac attended the meeting in the capacity of the President of the EU Council. 法国总统希拉克同时也以欧盟理事会主席的身份出席会议。
She has realigned germany's position, putting some distance between herself and Jacques chirac, and between herself and russia's leader, Vladimir putin, while edging closer to america's president, George bush. 她重新调整了德国的位置,不但与希拉克之间,也与俄罗斯领导人普京之间留了点距离,同时向美国总统布什的方向移得更近了。
Chirac turned 80 last month and reportedly has little interest in the travails of his party. 上个月,希拉克年满80岁,据称他对其政党中的苦差事兴致缺缺。
The public prosecutor has already recommended that charges against Mr Chirac be dropped. 而公诉人则已经建议放弃对希拉克的指控。
The President of France Jacques Chirac launched himself the first series of events during his state visit to China. 法国总统希拉克在对中国进行国事访问期间亲自开启该活动。
But in retrospect, Mr Chirac might have had a point. 但现在回想起来,希拉克可能是正确的。
After 37 years in politics, nearly ten as president, Mr Chirac has come to personify France. 经历了37年的政治生涯,做了近十年的总统之后,希拉克已成为法国的象征。
Chirac then evoked Spielberg's film Schindler's List, which he described as one of his personal favorites. 随后,希拉克回忆起斯皮尔伯格的电影《辛德勒的名单》,他说这是他最喜欢的电影之一。
Mr Chirac is the first former head of state to be sentenced in the fifth Republic. 希拉克是法国第五共和国第一位被判刑的前国家首脑。