It seems mistaken to suppose that mere Churchillian rhetoric or Rooseveltian guile could achieve this. 认为只靠丘吉尔的雄辩或者罗斯福的狡猾就能做到这一点的想法,似乎是不正确的。
On the Iraq war, his position has been almost Churchillian: victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror. 在伊拉克战争上,他的立场几乎和丘吉尔一样:为胜利不惜任何代价,为胜利不畏任何恐惧。
This calls to mind another Churchillian maxim: however beautiful the strategy, occasionally look at the results. 这令人想起了丘吉尔的另一句名言:无论战略多么美妙,有时候也要看一看结果。
Before he began to speak, in grave, almost Churchillian tones, he pulled off his rubber boots. 在开始用沉重、近乎丘吉尔式的语气讲话之前,他先脱去了脚上的橡胶靴。