n. 锡西;茜茜(女子教名Cecil、Cecilia、Cicely、Cecily、Sisley的昵称)
Meg flashed Cissie a grateful smile. 梅格冲茜茜感激地笑了一笑。
The more Sarah nagged her, the more stubborn Cissie became 萨拉越对茜茜唠叨,茜茜越是固执。
Cissie obeyed her mother without question 茜茜对她母亲言听计从。
Cissie was round-shouldered and dumpy. 锡西不仅驼背,而且又矮又胖。
It has been observed that Cissie has more ability than stability, but she puts on a good show of its vitriolic and unpredictable kind. 他说:“当我看到社论作者能如此透彻地理解我的外交政策时,我吃惊得差点从床上摔下来”。
Emil: How did Cissie's ballet exam go today? 埃米尔:锡西今天的芭蕾舞考试怎麽样?