Seeing this scene, Claudius turned pale and became very angry. 克劳迪斯一看到这幕戏,脸色变得苍白,而且感到非常愤怒。
He said goodnight to Claudius and Gertrude, pretending that he was happy that night. 哈姆雷特向克劳迪斯和葛楚德道晚安,那天晚上并装出很愉快的样子。
Upon hearing this, Hamlet became excited and was even more furious with Claudius and his mother. 哈姆雷特一听到这个秘密,显得激动万分并对克劳迪斯和他的母亲更加愤恨不已。
But two months ago, while I was sleeping in the beautiful garden of the castle, my brother Claudius came and put poison into my ear. 但是两个月前,当我在城堡里美丽的花园中睡觉时,我的弟弟克劳迪斯走到我身边把毒药塞入我的一只耳朵里。
I tell you again. I was not killed by a poisonous snake, but by my brother Claudius. 我再告诉你一遍,我不是被毒蛇咬死的,而是被我的弟弟克劳迪斯害死的。
With the Roman Empire hanging by a thread, Claudius needed all the brazen war power he could get. 由于罗马帝国面临着严重威胁,克劳狄需要所有可能的战争力量。
Y: Well, a Harvard surgeon named Claudius Conrad did a simple experiment. Y:美国哈佛大学一名为康拉德克劳狄斯的外科医生做了一个简单的实验。
Claudius: "I have nothing with this answer Hamlet; these words are not mine." 克劳迪亚斯:“哈姆雷特,这个答案里没有我的东西,它们不是我说的话。”
Claudius always doubted what he heard from his men. 克劳迪斯总是怀疑从他的手下那边听来的消息。
Claudius offered the glass of the poisoned wine to Hamlet, saying,@ Have a drink, Hamlet. 克劳迪斯赐给哈姆雷特那杯毒酒说:喝杯酒吧,哈姆雷特。
King Claudius power, in this ugly times played a role. 当权的国王克劳狄斯,在这乱世中扮演了一个丑恶的角色。
As king claudius, dissolute profligacy can only know drinking sprees. 克劳狄斯身为国王,却荒淫无度,每天只知道饮酒作乐。
He suspected that Claudius must have planned something bad. 他怀疑克劳迪斯一定有什么恶毒的计划。
At that time, Rome was ruled by an emperor named Claudius. 在那个时候,罗马统治的是一个皇帝命名克劳狄斯。
One night a ghostly spirit visits Hamlet and tells him that Claudius killed his father. 深夜,老国王的幽灵现身给王子哈姆雷特,告诉他,克劳狄杀害了他的父亲。
The good Saint Valentine was a priest at Rome in the days of Claudius II. 下面所要介绍的,不过是众多关于情人节的传说中的一个。
Polonius went to Claudius and Gertrude to let them know what had caused hamlet's madness. 普罗尼尔斯去见克劳迪斯和葛楚德,让他们知道造成哈姆雷特发疯的原因。
But in my case I have done nothing at all for my poor father, who was killed by my uncle Claudius. 而以我的立场,我却没有为被我的叔叔克劳迪斯杀死的可怜父亲尽过任何力。
When Hamlet went ashore, he wrote to claudius, telling him of his return to denmark. 哈姆雷特上岸时,就写信给克劳迪斯,告诉他他已经返回丹麦了。
Ultimately, Claudius issued a vengeance to the sword. 最终,向克劳迪斯发出了复仇之剑。
Under the rule of Emperor Claudius II-Rome was involved in many bloody and unpopular military campaigns. 在皇帝克劳迪乌斯二世统治下,罗马卷入了诸多血腥和不得人心的战争。
That was why Claudius could not kill Hamlet. 虽然哈姆雷特曾经杀死一个克劳迪斯的贵族,但是全国百姓仍然很爱戴他,那就是为什么克劳迪斯不能杀死哈姆雷特的原因。
There he found a Jew named Aquila, a native of Pontus, who had recently come from Italy with his wife Priscilla, following a decree of the Emperor Claudius which ordered all Jews to leave Rome. 在那里遇见了一个犹太人,名叫阿桂拉,原藉本都,他同妻子普黎史拉最近从意大利来,因为喀劳狄曾命所有的犹太人都离开罗马。保禄就投到他们那里。
I, claudius. that's what I know. 我就知道只有这么多这句。
Claudius now plots with Laertes to kill Hamlet upon his return to elsinore. 克劳地和雷尔提谋划在哈姆雷特返回到赫尔辛格时杀死他。
When Hamlet's father unexpectedly dies, his uncle Claudius becomes ruler and marries Hamlet's mother. 当哈姆雷特的父亲意外死亡之后,他的叔叔克劳狄成为国王,并娶哈姆雷特的母亲为妻。
This wicked king, Claudius, was going to capitalize on the grief and anger of Laertes for the death of his father and sister to destroy Hamlet. 克劳迪斯邪恶的国王将要莱尔提斯他父亲和妹妹的死而产生的悲伤和愤怒来铲除哈姆雷特。
Claudius the Cruel was having a difficult time getting soldiers to join his military leagues. 克劳狄斯残酷的,是有困难的时候得到士兵参加他的军事联盟。
Claudius and I are looking forward to tonight. 克劳迪亚斯和我就盼着今天晚上呢。
As a result, Claudius cancelled all marriages and engagements in Rome. 因此,他取缔罗马所有的婚礼和订婚仪式。