But not a single Clovis point has turned up in Siberia. 但是在西伯利亚连一块克洛维斯尖头都没有发现。
But the similarities between the oddly shaped stone points of Clovis and the European culture called Solutrean strongly suggest this conclusion, say Stanford and colleague Bruce Bradley. 但是这种奇形怪状的克洛维斯石尖同被称为梭鲁特文化的欧洲文化之间的相似点有力地说明了这一结论,史丹福和他的同事布鲁斯·布莱德利是这样认为的。
'I don't think Mr Hampton would like that,'said Clovis. 我想汉普顿先生不会喜欢,克洛维斯说。
'If Appin was trying to teach the poor elephant to speak German,'said Clovis,'I'm not surprised it killed him.' 如果阿普因在尝试教可怜的大象说德语,克洛维斯说,它杀死了他,我不觉得奇怪。
Nobody laughed, and nobody actually said'Rubbish ', al-though Clovis's lips moved silently 没人笑,没人说胡说,虽然克洛维斯的嘴唇在无声地嚅动
'I'd like to borrow her tomorrow evening,'said Clovis lightly.'May I, please?' 我明晚想借用她,克洛维斯轻轻地说。可以吗?
'Look at his claws!'cried Clovis.'He's been fighting!'And there, on Tobermory's claws, was the yellow hair of the doctor's cat. 看他的爪子!克洛维斯叫道。他打了架!在托博莫里的爪子上有医生那只猫的黄毛。
A battle in France in 687 among the descendants of Clovis. 克洛维斯的后裔687年在法国的战斗。
The Clovis people were believed to be the first to colonise North America after emigrating from Asia, and are said to be the ancestors of all present day Native American tribes. 克劳维斯人被认为是第一批从亚洲移居到北美洲开拓殖民地的人们,据说是所有现在印第安部落的祖先。
CLOVIS ( AP)& Clovis firefighters will be keeping an eye on a feed elevator after a stubborn fire Monday. 克洛维斯(美联社)-克洛维斯消防员继周一饲料电梯发生严重火灾后将关注此电梯。
Of course, that might just mean that the Clovis people had not quite exterminated bison before they, themselves, disappeared. 当然,这可能仅仅意味着克洛维斯人在他们自己灭绝之前并没有完全猎杀完美洲野牛。
Some textbooks start with prehistory, others with the Roman conquest, others still with Clovis, Charlemagne or Hugh Capet ( all mentioned below). 早期的一些教科书,被罗马人所征服,其它人仍然是克洛维斯,查理曼或休卡佩(所有下面提到)。
It remained in a collection in New England until it was recently bought by an American collector, who thought it was by Andrea and consulted Clovis Whitfield, who runs Whitfield Fine Art. 最近,美国的一位私人收藏家在英国伦敦新邦迪街一家名为惠特菲尔德珍品艺术的店中发现了这副画,并断定它是萨托的作品。
She refused to fall in, however, with Clovis's tempting suggestion of a primeval dance party. 她拒绝接受克洛维提出的参加原始舞会的诱惑性的建议。
In each of their settlements, this theory held, the original Americans left their calling cards: distinctively shaped spear points named after the site in Clovis, N. 这种学说认为,在每一块居住地,这些早期的美国人都留下了他们的“名片”:以新墨西哥州的克洛维斯地名来命名的形状特殊的矛型刀头。