In the 19th century, the economic liberal Richard Cobden extended the argument, saying that the principle of free trade would not only remove the desire to build empires, armies and navies but lead to benign global government. 19世纪的经济自由主义者理查德科布登(RichardCobden)引申了这一论点,指出自由贸易的原则不仅将消除人们建立帝国、陆军和海军的欲望,还能引领人们实现良好的全球治理。
The Anglo-French Treaty negotiated in 1860 by Richard Cobden and Michel Chevalier became the model for many subsequent agreements. 1860年由理查德·科布登和米歇尔·谢瓦利埃签订的《英法条约》成了此后许多条约的范本。
The first chapter presents the life and the ideas of Cobden. 本文第一章首先论述了科布登的生平。
To be fair, however, the greatest Tory prime minister of the mid-19th century, Robert Peel, changed his mind after listening to a Cobden speech against the corn laws. 不过,公平地讲,19世纪中期最伟大的托利党首相罗伯特·皮尔(RobertPeel)在听过科布登反对《谷物法》的演讲后,就改变了主意。
Richard Cobden was an important man in the British history of the 19th century. 理查德?科布登是19世纪英国历史上的重要人物。
Cobden eventually across the English Strait in a strong opposition developed around the Anglo-French Treaty of Commerce 1860.The two countries have done a cut import tariffs. 柯布登最终在海峡两岸一片强烈的反对声中拟定了1860年英法商约,将两国的进口关税都做了消减。
Cobden Treaty Network of Western Europe began a 20-year-long free trade era. 柯布登条约网络形成,西欧开始了长达20年之久的自由贸易时代。
Napoleon III agreed Cobden whose idealization of the proposal is endorsed, but the French industrial leaders and their allies in the government did not agree a free trade. 拿破仑三世对柯布登的理想化建议非常赞同,但法国工业领袖及其政治盟友却抵制由贸易。