When it comes to soft drinks Coca-Cola is the biggest selling brand name in Britain. 说到软饮料,可口可乐在英国是最大的畅销品牌。
I understand Coca-Cola are to be named as the new sponsors of the League Cup later this week 我知道可口可乐公司将在本周晚些时候被指定为联赛杯的新赞助商。
Coca-Cola has struck up partnerships with at least some of these activist groups. 可口可乐公司至少已经和这些激进组织中的几个建立了合作关系。
I call this money-making approach Coca-Cola capitalism. 我将这种赚钱之道称之为可口可乐资本主义。
London has been gifted to McDonald's, Coca-Cola and the like for the duration of the games. 在奥运会期间,伦敦已经作为礼物送给了麦当劳(McDonald's)、可口可乐(Coca-Cola)这样的赞助商。
Coca-Cola has launched its first major new Cola in nearly a decade: Coke Life. 可口可乐公司推出近十年来第一种主要新型产品:可口可乐生命(CokeLife)。
The Coca-Cola Company is the world's largest beverage company. 可口可乐公司是世界上最大的饮料公司。
Foreign companies such as HSBC, Siemens and Coca-Cola are among those analysts would expect to consider mainland listings. 分析师预计,汇丰银行(hsbc)、西门子(siemens)和可口可乐(coca-cola)也在考虑赴内地上市的外资企业之列。
Coca-Cola already has 8 percent of the alternative beverage market. 可口可乐公司已经占领了非主流饮料市场8%的份额。
Did I have no appreciation of anything other than McDonald's or Coca-Cola? 除了麦当劳和可口可乐,我就没有其他感兴趣的事物吗?
I want a bottle of iced Coca-cola. 我要一瓶冰镇可口可乐。
Coca-Cola was already selling a million gallons per year by the time Pepsi came to be. 百事可乐刚刚出现的时候,可口可乐公司已经取得了每年100万加仑的销售佳绩。
Including corporate giants such as Credit Lyonnais, Coca-Cola, and the Japanese electronics company NEC. 投资商包括像里昂信贷银行、可口可乐和日本电气公司NEC这样的超级大公司。
Daniel: I'd like to eat a hamburger and a bottle of coca-cola. 丹尼尔:我要吃一个汉堡包和一瓶可乐。
Coca-Cola, like PepsiCo last year, is to bring its North America bottling operations in-house. 和去年的百事可乐(pepsico)一样,可口可乐(coca-cola)将把北美装瓶业务收归麾下。
A recent report into the Pepsi and Coca-Cola Beverages have reduced capacity, but sold the same price. 最近有报道成百事和可口可乐纷纷缩小了饮料容量,却卖相同的价钱。
Kodak, Coca-cola, Orlon and Dacron are examples of coined words. 柯达,可口可乐,奥纶和涤纶的例子造词。
The "Coca-cola" culture of America has invaded and seduced far too many countries already. 美国的“可口可乐”文化已经侵袭和诱惑了太多国家。
Wal-Mart is selling organic food, and even Coca-Cola is launching a wellness drink. 沃尔玛也在销售有机食品,就连可口可乐也正开发一种健康饮料。
I didn't need to know that Coca-Cola has added a lot of value. “我没有需要知道,可口可乐公司增加了大量的价值”。
Now you know why you see Coca-Cola everywhere you look. 现在你知道为什么你看到可口可乐,你到处看看。
These well known companies include coca-cola, Eastman kodak, mcdonald's and general electric. 这些公司包括可口可乐、柯达,麦当劳和通用电气。
Pepsi-Cola and Coca-Cola say their products are safe and meet Indian and international health rules. 百事可乐和可口可乐公司说,他们的产品符合印度和国际安全卫生规则。
Coca-Cola has evolved into more than a one-product company. 可口可乐公司发展成了一个绝非只生产一种产品的公司。
When the price of Coca-Cola rises, rational cola-lovers drink more Pepsi. 当可口可乐(Coca-Cola)价格升高时,理性的可乐爱好者就会去喝更多的百事可乐(Pepsi)。
For example, McDonald's and Coca-Cola have entered China. 例如麦当劳、可口可乐进入中国。
Coca-Cola believes China-its third largest market after the United States and Mexico-has the greatest potential globally. 可口可乐相信中国,继美国和墨西哥后第三大市场,具有全球最大的潜力。
So is the Pirate Bay like Coca-Cola? 那么海盗湾和可口可乐又有什么相似之处呢?
Coca-Cola Company's products are cleverly marketed. 可口可乐公司的产品营销手段十分灵活。