Christopher Cockerell's crafts can establish transport network in large areas with poor communications such as Africa or Australia. 克雷斯托弗?科克雷尔的船能在象非洲或澳大利亚那样交通不发达的大片地区建起运输网。
By the end of the60s, Cary joined forces with Zinovieff and Cockerell to establish EMS ( Electronic Music Studios). 60年代末期,凯瑞与季诺维也夫和考克柔一起建立了EMS(电子音乐工作室)。
Christopher Cockerell, British engineer and inventor of the amphibious Hovercraft, was born at Cambridge. 英国工程师、陆两用气垫船发明家克里斯托弗·克雷尔生于剑桥。
But it was his collaboration with music engineer David Cockerell that helped revolutionise electronic music. 他与电子音乐师大卫·考克柔的合作帮助电子音乐实现了大变革。
1910 Christopher Cockerell, British engineer and inventor of the amphibious Hovercraft, was born at Cambridge. an amphibious division of the US Navy. 英国工程师、水陆两用气垫船发明家克里斯托弗·科克雷尔生于剑桥。美国海军的水陆两用军。
Forest conservation was carried out in pine stand attacked by Dendrolimus punctatus and Matsucoccus Cockerell for improving stand environment, tree growth and increasing natural enemies thus controlling insect pest. 对受松毛虫、松干蚧为害的松林实行封山育林,可有效改善松林环境,增强树势,增加天敌数量,有效控制害虫危害,达到有虫不成灾,保持松林的正常生长。