He talked recently with Geoff Colvin about how the company has changed the way it trains service employees, the power of personality, turning collection calls into positive experiences, and much else. 他最近与记者杰夫•科尔文进行了会谈,涉及到公司如何改变服务人员培训模式、性格的力量、将电话客服转变为消费者的正向体验以及其他很多方面的话题。
In Geoffrey Colvin's book, Talent is Overrated, he claims that there really is no such thing as a child prodigy. 杰弗里·科尔文(GeoffreyColvin)在他的书中提到,天才是被高估的一类人,他宣称世上并没有真正的神童。
"Aesop, move right," Colvin says, and the robot obeys. 伊索,向右移动,科尔文说。结果,这架机器人就遵从命令移动。
The catamaran was intercepted at sea by an Australian Customs and Border Protection boat on Wednesday and is being towed to Brisbane, Colvin said. 双体船星期三在海上被一艘澳大利亚海关及边境保护局的船拦截,并被拖往布里斯班,科尔文说。
Colvin, a gallant war reporter, put her finger on a recurring dilemma in international politics. Does the outside world have a duty to intervene to prevent the mass killing of civilians? 科尔文是一位勇敢的战地记者,她明确指出了国际政治中一个反复出现的两难抉择:国际社会到底有没有义务进行干预,以避免大规模平民伤亡?
Colvin deserves to be heard by more than devoted cultists this time around. 这是一张值得长期等待、耐听的专辑,推荐!
Those who see vicious cruelty up close tend to react like Colvin. 近距离目睹这种惨剧的人们往往会作出与科尔文一样的反应。
I am sure if I had seen first hand the horrors that Colvin and her colleagues witnessed I would feel very differently. 如果我亲眼看到了科尔文和她的同事们所目睹的恐怖景象,我的感受一定会大为不同。
For Joe Siciliano's surgery, Dr. Colvin used a robot named Aesop to move the light illuminating the incision. 在乔-西西里阿诺的手术中,科尔文医生用了一台名叫伊索的机器人来移动光源照亮切口。
Colvin said the cocaine had apparently been offloaded from the catamaran to the yacht. 科尔文说可卡因显然是从双体船卸载到游艇上。