Surgical procedures such as removing wattles, combe, or the toenails of certain toes must be done properly by one trained in the procedure. 指甲修剪师进行修理指甲工作的人手术,如去肉垂、冠或某些脚指甲,都必须由训练有素的人去做。
We combe the city to look for our lose dog 我们搜遍了全城寻找我们走失了的狗
Well-washed and well-combe domestic pet grow dull; they miss the stimulus of flea. 洗得干干净净而又梳得有条有理的的家养宠物,会长得又笨又蠢&它们失去了跳蚤的刺激嘛。
His followers Johann Kaspar Spurzheim and George Combe divided the scalp into areas they labeled with traits such as combativeness, cautiousness, and form perception. 其门生斯珀津姆和库姆将头皮分区,分别贴上标签,表明好斗、谨慎和形成知觉。