In giving and receiving, man and woman must not touch ( according to Confucian rules of etiquette). 男女授受不亲。
Many children read the Confucian classics. 现在有不少小孩儿读经书。
Confucianism and Confucian Philosophy. 儒教与儒教哲学。
Nonetheless, Neo-Confucian writings adapted Buddhist thoughts and beliefs to the Confucian interest. 尽管如此,新儒家著作改编的佛教思想和信仰的儒家利益。
The paper briefly discussed the logical starting point and content of Confucian law thought. 文章初略探讨了孔子法律思想的逻辑起点和内容。
There is a kind of similarity between Kant's moral philosophy and the Confucian ethics. 康德的道德哲学和中国的儒家伦理有着某种相通性。
The idea could well represent a bridge between Christian and Confucian values. 这种思想代表了基督教和儒家思想的共通之处。
The rich Confucian economic ideas gradually formed a relatively complete theoretical system in the long-term process of practice. 先秦儒家丰富的经济思想,在长期的实践过程中逐渐形成了较为完备的理论体系。
My company is the first domestic tea and the integration of Confucian culture in the company. 我公司是国内第一家把茶文化和儒家文化相融合在一起的公司。
Confucian philosophy of harmony in humanities Olympics played an important role. 儒家和谐哲学在人文奥运中发挥了重要的作用。
The Confucian ethics movement in Singapore and the modern conversion of Bahayi Religion have provided successful preliminary experience. 新加坡的儒家伦理运动和巴哈伊教的现代转换,已提供了初步的成功经验。
Emperor Wudi was impressed by Dong Zhongshu's theories, and filled his administration with Confucian scholars. 汉武帝采纳了董仲舒的学说,汉朝政府里就有许多信奉儒家思想的人做了大官。
"Harmony" is at the core of confucian's whole value system. 摘要“和谐”思想在儒家的整个价值体系中居于核心地位。
After that the Confucian, Buddhism and taoism converge to enter the third period of his philosophic development. 此后乃进入他哲学思想发展的第三阶段,即儒释道融合,而又回归儒学。
Song intellectuals sought answers to all philosophical and political questions in the Confucian Classics. 宋朝的贤人开始研究孔子学说中关于哲学和政治的探讨。
Poem education and music education have irreplaceable advantages over other education methods in Confucian education thought. 在孔子的教育思想中,诗教和乐教具有其他教育方式所没有的优越性。
The development of the university made Luoyang form the strong atmosphere of study of Confucian Classics. 太学的发展,使京师洛阳形成了浓厚的经学文化氛围。
"Benevolence" in the Analects in the basis on which research of Confucian benevolence is conducted. 《论语》中的仁,是研究孔子仁学的基本素材。
It formed the basis of Confucian orthodoxy in the Qing Dynasty of China. 它的基础上形成的儒家正统清代的中国。
This is the first time I have discussed the early Confucian culture of cultivating life in academic circles. 本文在学术界第一次提出并探讨了早期儒家的养生文化,把它的内容概括为养心与养身两大部分。
Confucian beliefs about society and human relations were at the heart of Chinese life, he declared. 他宣称,儒家关于社会和人际关系的理论在中国人的生活中深入人心。
He has made outstanding achievement in Confucian Studies and significant contributions to the spread of the Chinese culture. 他在推动儒学研究及中国文化有杰出和重大的成就。
The key term in the Confucian philosophy of ancient China is "li": the etiquettes. 在古代中国的孔子哲学思想中,最重要的术语就是“礼”,即礼仪。
Secondly, the deepening and distillation of Confucian aesthetic thought of literature and art. 三是对传统儒家文艺美学思想的再发现和对理学家文艺芜学思想的应和;
Research Confucius culture, Confucian culture and ancient. 研究孔子文化,儒家文化及古建筑。
What is the role of the family and the familiar in Confucian philosophy? 儒家哲学中家庭与亲熟关系(家族)的角色是什么?
We also found one uniquely Eastern dimension, Confucian Dynamism; 我们也发现了一个独特的东部维度,孔子物力论;
Referring to Confucian ethical communication, we can form and consolidate harmonious interpersonal relationship of impoverished college students. 借鉴儒家交往伦理,可以促进贫困大学生和谐人际关系的形成和巩固。
Life Confucianism devotes itself to the rebuilding of Confucian metaphysics. 生活儒学致力于儒家形而上学在生活本源上的重建。
The foundation of this rule is a loyalty based on the Confucian tradition of intimate filial piety. 这条规则的基础是忠诚,建立在孔子的孝顺传统之上。