And like IBM, HP is moving into cloud computing, although as Michael Copeland pointed out, HP will focus further down the food chain, leaving the high-end to companies with more established cloud offerings like Oracle ( orcl) and, ahem, IBM. 不过正如迈克尔•柯普兰指出的那样,在云计算领域,惠普将主要关注食物链的下端,而把高端留给那些已经在该领域站稳脚跟的云计算公司,比如甲骨文(Oracle)和IBM。
Copeland feels that Boeing has up to a year to make the decision, but that may be too late. 科普兰德认为波音最多还有一年的时间来做这个决定,但届时也很有可能为时已晚。
However, as Copeland clearly identifies, transaction testing, a category under which acceptance testing falls, is distinctly dependent upon data. 然而,当Copeland清楚地被识别时,处理测试,一个验收测试之下的类别失败了,很显然它是依靠数据的。
Tom Copeland's PMD is an open source ( BSD license) tool that analyzes Java source code to find potential bugs. TomCopeland的PMD是一个开源(BSD许可)工具,它分析Java源代码,找出潜在的bug。
Before doing this video, dad Brad Copeland wrote and produced for Arrested Development and has also been tapped to write and direct College Humor's first feature movie. 这段视频由这对兄弟的爸爸布拉德录制,他曾是美剧《发展受阻》的编剧和制片人,还担任过幽默视频网站大学幽默第一部故事片的写作和导演工作。
( Dr. Copeland was referring to the Dirty Dancing actress whose nose job drastically altered her appearance.) (科普兰德说的是出演《辣身舞》[DirtyDancing]的女演员,鼻子整形手术完全改变了她的外貌。)
She was known for having these slightly squinty, slightly hooded eyes, Dr. Copeland said. The problem is they totally eliminated that look, and now she is no longer recognizable. 人们都知道,她本来有一双微微斜视、微微鼓起的眼睛,科普兰德医生说。问题是这个特征完全没有了,现在她变得根本认不出来了。
The issue is that in all that work, Dr. Copeland said, Ms. Zellweger changed too much. 科普兰德说,在所有这些措施的共同作用下,齐薇格变了太多。
Paul Copeland was the brother of one of the missing teens and was also staying at the camp when his sister vanished. 保罗·科波兰德是其中一个失踪女孩的哥哥,妹妹失踪的时候他也在那个夏令营中。
Recently Peter was integral to the engineering and testing of the latest generation of Copeland Scroll compressors. 现在,彼得是最新生产的轮涡旋压缩机工程和测试不可或缺的一部分。
Any relationship where you put yourself first won't last.& Bill Copeland 老把你自己放在第一位,任何关系都不会长久。&科普兰
He has written and published numerous engineering bulletins on key Emerson compressor technologies, including both reciprocating and Copeland Scroll compressors. 他写作和发表了很多有关艾默生压缩机技术,包括往复式和谷轮涡旋压缩机的工程简报。
For Stacey Copeland, an administrator at Eden Nannies, the first whisperings of the gathering storm in the nanny state were already being felt. 而伊甸园保姆中介公司的管理人员斯特茜?科普兰德则已经感受到了保姆市场上的风暴。
The Copeland Scroll Outdoor Condensing Unitis the newest addition to the scroll condensing unit product line for foodservice applications. 在谷轮涡旋室外冷凝机组是最新的除了餐饮滚动机组应用产品线。
Worth it to the performers and to Miles Copeland, who has a long history of risk taking and success. 对于像迈尔斯•科普兰和其他表演者这样拥有丰富冒险和成功经历的人来说,这确实值得。
I think we're about three miles northeast of the Copeland house. 我们在离克普兰家东北向约3英里处。
Toward the Spiritual Survival& An Analysis of the Male Images in Alice Walker's The Third Life of Grange Copeland 走向精神生存&《格兰奇·科普兰的第三次生命》中的男性形象分析
Technology for the Future of Refrigeration& Air-conditioning System Copeland Corperation 变容量调节技术-制冷空调系统的未来之路
This paper presents an analysis of an idealized polyphase hysteresis motor. The characteristics of the hysteresis material in the motor are shaped in the form of parallelograms developed by Copeland and Slemon. 用Copeland和Slemon提出的磁滞回线平行四边形等效法对理想化的磁滞电机特性进行了分析研究。
The consequence of combination evaluation showed Mean Value Method, Borda Method and Copeland Method were closely associated with the original evaluation method. 组合评价结果显示:平均值法、Borda法和Copeland法,三种组合评价方法与原评价方法关系密切。
Second, use the improved Copeland combination evaluation method to analysis the competitiveness of producer services in the Liaoning Province, is a major highlight of this article. 第二,在对辽宁省生产性服务业的竞争力进行区域比较分析时,采用了改进的Copeland组合评价法对单一综合评价方法的结果进行组合,也是本文的一大亮点。
Because it can avoid the question of single comprehensive evaluation method, it also can improve the result of the traditional comprehensive evaluation method. 因为改进的Copeland组合评价法不仅避免了单一综合评价法经常引起的质疑,也对传统的组合评价法的缺陷进行了改进。