The FBI said suspect Paul Kevin Curtis was arrested Wednesday in Corinth, Mississippi. 美国联邦调查局说,嫌疑人柯蒂斯星期三在密西西比州的科林斯被逮捕。
Black-figure pottery ( 700B. C.): Type of Greek pottery that originated in Corinth c. 700 BC. 黑彩陶器:约公元前700年起源于科林斯的希腊陶器的一种类型。
Paul also said the fact that there were Christians in Corinth was living proof of his ministry ( v.2). 保罗同时指出,哥林多的信徒能够印证他的事奉(2节)。
In this book Paul discusses the joys, sorrows, ambitions, frustrations and assurances he has for the believers at Corinth. 保罗讨论了喜乐、悲伤、野心、犹豫以及他为哥林多信徒提供的担保。
Le Siege de Corinth, La Muette de Portici, Robert Le Diable ( noted for its Phanton of the Nuns effect) and, of course, Gounod's Faust, the opera which is the backdrop to the Leroux novel. 科林斯》《波尔蒂契的哑女》《恶魔罗勃》(因为修女幽灵的特效而著名)当然还有古诺的《浮士德》,这部歌剧院就是勒胡小说的背景。
We have references in his his letters to churches in Achaea, like Corinth. 我们有他致亚该亚教会的信,像科林斯城。
These agapes probably refer to the taking of the Communion, The Lord's Supper, but in the context of a bigger meal as we've seen was the case also in Corinth. 这些爱席指的就是吃圣餐,主的圣餐,不过这顿餐比较隆重,就像我们在科林斯看到的那样。
Of course, the Romans didn't care then how much I charged you, the people of Corinth in its area. 当然,罗马人并不在乎我收了,科林斯人民多少税。
Two or three years after leaving the church he had started in Corinth, Paul heard disturbing reports: strife and division were seriously threatening the young church. 哥林多教会是保罗亲手所建,在那之后两三年他收到了这样的报告:内部的斗争和分裂严重的威胁年轻教会的成长。
He goes to the next town, he does this in Thessalonica, he does it in Philippi, he does it in Corinth, he tries it in Athens but he's not successful because nobody pays any attention to him in Athens. 他又来到另一座城镇,帖撒罗尼迦,腓立比,哥林多,都是这样,在雅典也没有成功,因为雅典根本没人理他。
Who brought him good news from Corinth, and also by Timothy. 是谁把他的好消息科林斯,也由蒂莫西。
23 but I call on God as a witness against my soul that to spare you I have not yet come to corinth. 林后一23我呼求神给我作见证,我还未往哥林多去,是为要宽容你们。
The church at Corinth was one of the most gifted churches; it could have been one of the largest. 哥林多教会可能是当时最大的教会之一,也是蒙神赐予最多恩赐的一间教会;
Yesterday we saw how the church at Corinth had failed to deal with sin within its membership. 昨天的经文让我们看见哥林多教会没有处理信徒犯罪的问题。
After these things, departing from Athens, he came to Corinth. 此后,保禄就离开雅典,来到了格林多。
They employed an expert to search the Gulf of Corinth with sound devices. 他们曾聘请了一位专家利用声波仪器在科林斯海湾寻找。
When the believers in Corinth were feeling too full of themselves, Paul warned them "so that no one may boast before him." 当哥林多的信徒太自我的时候,保罗警告他们说,“使一切有血气的,在神面前一个也不能自夸。”
In the process, some became drunk and disorderly so that the celebration of the Lord's death was shameful, resembling the heathen celebrations of their pagan neighbors in Corinth. 这个过程中,有的人喝醉而失控,所以庆祝主的死的仪式成为一种羞耻,就像哥林多那些异教徒邻居们的异教庆典一样了。
If you are not one in Corinth, all your words are deceiving others. 你在哥林多不合一,你所有的话都是骗人的。
Moreover I call God for a record upon my soul, that to spare you I came not as yet unto Corinth. 我呼吁神给我的心作见证,我没有往哥林多去,是为要宽容你们。
Erastus abode at Corinth: but Trophimus have I left at Miletum sick. 以拉都在哥林多住下了。特罗非摩病了,我就留他在米利都。
The keeper of the cabaret, in his joy, had changed his device and had caused to be placed in gilt letters beneath the bunch these words: "At the Bunch of Corinth Grapes"(" Au Raisin de Corinthe"). 店主人大为得意,便把旧招牌改了,在那串葡萄下面用金字写了“科林斯葡萄酒店”。
When the sun rises over Aigio, the waters in the Gulf of Corinth shimmer seductively. 阳光普照爱琴市,科林斯湾海域的水面撩人地波光闪闪。
The situation with Paul's church in Corinth is very different from the situation we saw in1 Thessalonians. 我们在哥林多书中看到的保罗的教会,和我们在帖撒罗尼迦前书中看到的,教会的状况不太一样。
In accordance with his desire he received letters of recommendation to the disciples at Corinth. 按照他的愿望,他收到的建议门徒科林斯。
Athens now feared that Corinth would cause problems in Potidaea, which indeed did revolt against Athens. 现在,雅典担忧科林斯会在真正起义反抗雅典的波提狄亚挑起事端。
( Greek mythology) a mythical hero of Corinth who performed miracles on the winged horse Pegasus ( especially killing the monster Chimera). (希腊神话)科林斯的神话英雄在飞马上创造奇迹(杀了怪物客迈拉)。
The young man was none other than Oedipus, adopted son of Corinth king Polybus. 这年轻人不是别人,正是科林斯王波力波斯的养子俄狄浦斯。