Originally a social scientist, Cottam, 42, discovered design when working on urban poverty projects for the World Bank in Africa during the mid-1990s. 科塔姆原本是社会科学家,42岁,在九十年代中期为非洲的世界银行城市扶贫项目工作。
Cottam also concluded that many projects needed to be more radically redesigned to meet the changing needs of their users. 科塔姆还认为许多项目需要更彻底的设计,以满足其用户不断变化的需求。
And Cottam is still puzzling over how to persuade London pensioners to use life coaches to help them to change their lifestyles. 科踏姆仍然困惑如何说服伦敦领养老金的人养老金使用生活教练帮助他们改变他们的生活方式。