This is Crabbe and Goyle, and I'm Malfoy. 这是克拉克和高尔,我叫马尔福。
You cannot even imagine how many lions were used in the movie of Buster Crabbe& 2 deaths and7 different lions used. 你连想都想不到拍摄该影片时用了几只狮子&一7只啊!其中2只死于非命。
Still, in the absence of any further evidence, I prefer to think that this pair is crabbe& rabastan. 尽管如此,在缺乏任何进一步的证据的情况下,我偏向于认为这两人是克拉布&拉巴斯坦。
When Harry was similarly hit by Crabbe's illegal Bludger in the small of the back, he was only winded ( OP19). 同样的,当哈利被克拉布违反规则的游走球击中背部时,他只是喘气(凤凰社,第十九章)。
The whole movie was about lions and Buster Crabbe, who was raised by a lion pride. 故事中的巴斯特·克雷布由一个狮群抚养成人。
Matthew Crabbe, of Access Asia, a consumer consultancy, in Shanghai, said: [ Unilever] is mainly mass-market, which means narrow margins, so any cost of production and distribution has to be reflected in retail prices. 上海消费者咨询机构通亚公司(AccessAsia)的马修克拉布(MatthewCrabbe)表示:(联合利华)主要面向大众市场,这意味着利润率较低,因此任何生产和经销成本都必须体现于零售价格。
The movie was based on lions and lion-man Crabbe. 该影片基于狮子和狮人克雷布的故事。
I was quite relieved to see that the impregnable Miss Crabbe could feel emotion. 看到那位从不动心的克拉布小姐也动起情来,我感到十分地宽慰。