Crohn's disease is a real pain in the gut. This inflammatory disorder can lead to some serious intestinal difficulties. 克罗恩病(结肠克隆氏病、节段性回肠炎)对肠胃来说可真是一种折磨!这种炎症性疾病可导致某些严重的肠道症状。
But in the case of Crohn's, researchers stumbled across the connection by accident. 但就克罗恩病而言,研究人员是在偶然中才发现这其中的联系。
But when the scientists exposed the animals to a common virus, they came down with mouse Crohn's. 但是,一旦将它们暴露在有普通病毒的环境中,这些实验鼠就会患上鼠类的克罗恩病。
Almost nothing is available to help patients with Crohn's disease manage their incurable and chronic illness. 几乎没有什么可以帮助克罗恩病的患者来控制他们不可治愈的慢性疾病。
Diagnosis and therapy of Crohn's disease: a report of 30 cases 克罗恩病的诊断治疗:附30例报告
Crohn's disease is much less common but can be accompanied by more severe symptoms as it can affect the whole gastrointestinal tract. 虽然克罗恩病比乳糜泻少见,但是克罗恩病有更严重的症状,因为它可以影响整个消化道。
In contrast to the Crohn's disease, there are no skip lesions meaning that there are not areas of the mucosa that appear normal. 与克隆病相比,粘膜没有跳跃性病变,也就意味着没有正常粘膜的区域。
Diagnostic Value of CT Enterography in Patients with Crohn's Disease CT小肠成像对克罗恩病的诊断价值
He doesn't have crohn's or arthritis. 他没得克罗氏病和关节炎。
Influence of Moxibustion on the Expressions of MCP-1 and IL-8 Proteins in the Colonic Mucosa of Crohn's Disease Rats 艾灸对克罗恩病大鼠结肠黏膜MCP-1和IL-8蛋白表达的影响
Background The comparative efficacy and safety of infliximab and azathioprine therapy alone or in combination for Crohn's disease are unknown. 背景在克罗恩病患者中,英夫利西单抗和硫唑嘌呤单药治疗或联合治疗的相对疗效和安全性尚未被了解。
They are interested in studying whether a direct correlation exists between bacterial infection and flare-ups in Crohn's disease. 他们对研究细菌感染和急性的克罗恩病发作是否存在直接相关感兴趣。
It's worked for crohn's disease and rheumatoid arthritis. 对克罗氏病和风湿性关节炎疗效显著。
Calcium deficiency can be found in people with malabsorption problems, such as Crohn's disease, celiac disease, and surgical intestinal resection. 缺钙的人可以发现不良问题,如克隆氏病、腹腔疾病、肠切除手术。
The pathogenesis of both celiac disease and Crohn's disease is only partly understood, although it is known that they are affected by both genetic and environmental risk factors. 虽然目前所知道的是它们都受到基因和环境危险因素的影响,但是乳糜泻和克罗恩病的发病机理只是了解了一部分。
ABSTRACT: Objective To explore the diagnostic and therapeutic values of the capsule endoscopy ( CE) in Crohn's disease ( CD). 摘要:目的探讨胶囊内镜在克罗恩病诊断与治疗中的价值。
Background: Intestinal stenosis is a frequent complication of Crohn's disease, often leading to repeated bowel obstruction and surgery. 肠狭窄是克罗恩病的一种常见并发症,往往导致反复的肠梗阻以及外科手术治疗。
Objective to explore the clinical significance of granuloma in crohn's disease through the comparison of the clinical features between the groups with and without granuloma. 摘要目的通过比较克罗恩病肉芽肿组与非肉芽肿组的临床特点,探讨肉芽肿的临床意义。
Efficacy of infliximab in treatment of Crohn's disease with short-bowel syndrome: one case report 英夫利西单抗治疗顽固性克罗恩病并短肠综合征1例
Differential diagnosis between intestinal tuberculosis ( IT) and Crohn's disease ( CD) is always a difficult problem in clinic. 肠结核(IT)和克罗恩病(CD)的鉴别诊断一直是临床难题。
Intestinal problems, such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease, also seem to make some people more susceptible. 小肠问题,例如溃疡性结肠炎和节段性回肠炎,使得某些人更加易感染口腔溃疡。
Malabsorption can be caused by infection, surgery, certain drugs, heavy alcohol use, and digestive disorders such as celiac sprue and Crohn's disease. 感染、手术、某些药物、酗酒以及诸如口炎性腹泻和克罗恩病此类的消化功能紊乱都可能引起消化不良。
Mesenchymal stem cell therapy of Crohn's disease: are the far-away hills getting closer? 间充质干细胞的治疗方法是否给克罗恩病的治疗带来了新的希望?
The Role of Double-Balloon Enteroscopy in Diagnosis of Small Intestinal Crohn's Disease 双气囊小肠镜诊断小肠克罗恩病的作用
Postoperative nursing care of a Crohn's disease patient combined arterial thrombosis of lower extremity 1例克罗恩病合并下肢动脉血栓患者的术后护理
Advance in Research on the Genetics of Crohn's Disease and Some Existence of the Problem 克罗恩病遗传学研究的若干进展及存在的问题
It is used in the treatment of Crohn's disease, which is an inflammatory bowel disease. 这是用在对克罗恩病,它是一种炎症性肠道疾病的治疗。
Green tea also may protect against cancer, control blood sugar levels, and help reduce inflammation associated with Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. 同时,绿茶能预防癌症,控制血糖,减少与节段性肠炎和溃疡性结肠炎相关的炎症。